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Hopps, Walter. ‘‘William Christenberry: Clan Dolls.’’
Grand Street11 (Winter 1993): 81–95.
Kalinovska, Milena. William Christenberry: Changing
Landscape – The Source Revisited(Exhibition Catalo-
gue). Washington, D.C.: The Kreeger Museum, 2001.
Lange, Susanne, Claudia Schubert, and Allan Tullos.Wil-
liam Christenberry: Disappearing Places. Dusseldorf,
Germany: Richter Verlag, 2001.
Simmons, Steve. ‘‘William Christenberry: Exploring His
Southern Heritage.’’View Camera6, (May–June 1993):

Southall, Thomas.Of Time and Place: Walker Evans and
William Christenberry. San Francisco and Fort Worth:
The Friends of Photography and the Amon Carter
Museum, 1990.
Stack, Trudy Wilner, and Allen Tullos. Christenberry
Reconstruction: The Art of William Christenberry. Jack-
son, Mississippi and Tucson, Arizona: University Press
of Mississippi and the Center for Creative Photography,
University of Arizona, 1996.
Weil, Rex. ‘‘William Christenberry, Nancy Drysdale.’’Art-
News94, April 1995: 151.


William Christenberry, The Bar-B-Q Inn, Greensboro, Alabama, 1981. Original in color.
[Courtesy of Pace/MacGill Gallery]

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