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het land),andhisrevivedlovewithAnnekeHilhorst
whom he had married in 1984. Thus Ed van der
Elsken followed until the end his motto: ‘‘Laat zien
wie je bent!’’ (show us who you are!).



Born in Amsterdam, 10 March 1925. Attended for one year
the Institute for Applied Arts Education in Amsterdam,
1943; attended a film operator’s preparatory course;
followed a correspondence course with the School of
Professional Photography in The Hague, 1944–1947.
Joined the GKf, 1949. Dutch National Film Award,
1971; Dutch Ministry of Culture Grant, 1987. Died in
Edam, 28 December 1990.

Individual Exhibitions

1955 Art Institute of Chicago; Chicago, Illinois
1955 Walker Art Center; Minneapolis, Minnesota
1959 Foto’s Ed van der Elsken; Gro ̈ninger Museum voor
Stad en Land, Gro ̈ningen, The Netherlands
1966 Hee... zie je dat?; Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, The
1968 Sweet Life; De Vishal, Haarlem, The Netherlands
1977 Eye Love You; Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, The
1981 Paris of the Fifties; Canon Photo Gallery, Amsterdam,
The Netherlands
1983 Een liefdesgeschiedenis in Saint Germain des Pre ́s; Ste-
delijk Museum, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
1984 Amsterdam!; Amsterdams Historisch Museum, Ams-
terdam, The Netherlands
1986 Une histoire d’amour a`Saint-Germain-des-Pre ́s; Insti-
tut ne ́erlandais, Paris, France
1987 Jong Nederland; Canon Photo Gallery, Amsterdam,
The Netherlands
1988 De ontdekking van Japan: Foto’s van Ed van der Elsken
1961–1988; Canon Image Center, Amsterdam, The
1991 Once upon a Time; Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam,
The Netherlands, and traveling to Bunkamura Gallery,
Tokyo, Japan; Daimaru Department Store, Osaka,
Japan; Fotomuseum, Winterthur, Switzerland
1996 Ed van der Elsken: L’Amour! Foto’s 1950–1990;
Kunsthal, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Love on the Left Bank; The Photographers’ Gallery,
London, England
1997 Ed van der Elsken: Hong Kong; Nederlands fotoinsti-
tuut, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
2000 Ed van der Elsken: Sweet Life. Fotografie + Film
1949–1990; Kunstmuseum, Wolfsburg, Germany, and
traveling to Fundacio ́‘‘La Caixa,’’ Barcelona, Spain
Eye Love You. Ed van der Elsken 1925–1990. Foto’s dia’s
film s en video; De Beyerd, Breda, The Netherlands
2001 Ed van der Elsken. Eye Love You. Fotografies + films
(1949–1970); Barcelona, Centre Cultural de la Fundacio ́
‘‘la Caixa’’, Spain
Ed van der Elsken; The Photographers’ Gallery, Lon-
don, England
Modena per la Fotografia 2001; Galleria Civica, Mod-
ena, Italy

Group Exhibitions
1953 Bibliothe`que nationale de France; Paris, France
Nederlandse Fotografie 1953; Kunstzaalen De Jong-
Bergers, Maastricht, The Netherlands
Post-war European Photography; Museum of Modern
Art, New York, New York
1954 Subjektive Fotografie 2; Staatliche Schule fu ̈r Kunst
und Handwerke, Saarbru ̈cken, Germany
1955 The Family of Man; Museum of Modern Art, New
York, New York
1958 Foto’s GKf; Prentenkabinett der Rijksuniversiteit Lei-
den, Leiden, The Netherlands
1960 Stedelijk Museum; Amsterdam, The Netherlands
1967 The Camera As Witness; International Exhibition of
Photography Expo ‘67, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
1973 Groepfoto (GKf); Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, The
Five Masters of European Photography; The Photo-
graphers’ Gallery, London, England
1978 Fotografie in Nederland 1940–1975; Stedelijk Museum,
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
1980 Het Portret; Canon Photo Gallery, Amsterdam, The
1982 Veranderingen in de fotojournalistiek 1960–1980; Ste-
delijk Museum, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
1988 Roots & Turns: 20th Century Photography in the Neth-
erlands; Sarah Campbell Blaffer Gallery, Houston, Texas
1996 Karel Appel; Cobramuseum, Amstelveen, The Netherlands
1997 Documenta X; Kassel, Germany
2001 Dutchdelight, foam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
2002 Het bedrijfsfotoboek 1945–1965. Professionalisering
van fotografen in Nederland; Museum Boijmans van Beu-
ningen, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
2003 Fotomanifestatie Noorderlicht 2003,DeHommage;Gro-
ningen, The Netherlands
Panorama Amsterdam 1862–2003; Foam Amsterdam,
The Netherlands

Selected Works
Untitled(Vali Myers as Ann), 1950–1954
Chet Baker in Concertgebouw, Amsterdam, 1955
Durban, 1959
Daan, 1975
Pravda and Fidelito, 1978

Further Reading
Aletti, Vince. ‘‘Cafe ́Noir.’’Artforum International(March
2000): 99–107.
Ed van der Elsken. Amsterdam: Stedelijk Museum, 1966.
Ed van der Elsken: Sweet Life. Fotografie + Film 1949–
1990. Wolfsburg: Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg, 2000.
Regt, Evelyn de. ‘‘Ed van der Elsken.’’ In Ingeborg Th.
Leijerzapf, editor,Geschiedenis van de Nederlandse foto-
grafie in monografiee ̈n en thema-artikelen. vol. 16,
Alphen aan den Rijn: Samsom.
Regt, Evelyn de, ed.Once upon a Time. Amsterdam: Frag-
ment, 1991.
Sinderen, Wim van.Fotografen in Nederland: een anthologie
Amsterdam and Gent: Ludion; The Hague: Fotomuseum
Den Haag, 2002.
Visser, Hripsime ́.Ed van der Elsken. London: Phaidon, 2001.
Vroege, Bas, Anneke van der Elsken-Hilhorst, and Flip
Bool.Ed van der Elsken: Leve ik!. Edam: Paradox, 1997.


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