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the subject of an extensive critical literature and even
of a 1927 film that showed him planning, executing,
and printing a portrait commission. Possessingstrong
organizational skills, Erfurth curated a major photo-
graphy exhibition in Dresden as early as 1904, and he
later operated an art gallery in his studio, presenting
prints and drawings by the most talented younger
German artists. Erfurth also published art criticism,
writing for example about the Scottish photographer
David Octavius Hill (1802–1870), whom Erfurth
admired for suppressing unnecessary detail in his
portraits. In 1919, he was a cofounder of an exhibit-
ing group, the Society of German Photographic
Artists (GDL), in which he played a dominant role
for 20 years. Erfurth continued to have an experi-
mental attitude, producing a series of abstract pho-
tograms in the mid-1920s.
In 1934, Erfurth relocated from Dresden to
Cologne, evidently seeking new portrait commis-
sions from that city’s business elite. Unlike many
of his artist subjects, who emigrated soon after the
advent of the Hitler government in 1933, Erfurth
remained in Germany, where he continued to accu-
mulate honors and awards. His attitude toward the
new regime is difficult to determine. Erfurth exhib-
ited and published portraits of Nazi storm trooper
(SA) soldiers that were widely noted; he had, how-
ever, occasionally portrayed military officers in uni-
form earlier in his career.
In 1943 an Allied air raid destroyed Erfurth’s Co-
logne studio and part of his photographic archives,
though not his portraits. He then moved to Gaien-
hofen am Bodensee in southernmost Germany,
where he maintained a photographic studio until
his death in 1948. In 1947, he was honored with a
large retrospective exhibition in nearby Constance,
Switzerland. His work has continued to be exhibited
widely, particularly in Germany, where it forms a
virtual history of the country’s artistic and intellec-
tual movements during Erfurth’s time.


Seealso:Photogram; Photography in Germany and
Austria; Pictorialism; Sander, August


Born in Halle, Germany, 14 October 1874. In Dresden,
studied painting at the Kunstakademie and photography
in the studio of Wilhelm Ho ̈ffert. Active professional
photographer, principally as a studio portraitist, from
1896 but also exhibited work in other genres. Taught
photography privately, and at the Akademie fu ̈r Buch-
gewerbe und Graphische Ku ̈nste in Leipzig, Germany’s
leading city for book publication, 1929. Curator of
Photographic Section, Internationale Kunst-Ausstel-

lung, Dresden, 1904. Operated gallery showing prints
and drawings by younger German artists in his Dresden
studio in the early 1920s. From this time, frequent con-
tacts with leading avant-garde painters; subject of por-
traits by Otto Dix and others. Published numerous
albums of his own portrait photographs and some arti-
cles about other photographers. From 1919, cofounder
and jury chairman of the Society of German Photo-
graphic Artists. Awarded bronze medal, Stuttgart,
1899; silver medal (first prize), Photographic Exhibition,
Du ̈sseldorf, 1902; achievement award, ‘‘Day of German
Handicrafts,’’ Frankfurt am Main, 1939. Relocated stu-
dio in 1934 to Cologne and in 1943 to Gaienhofen am
Bodensee; died there 14 February 1948.

Individual Exhibitions
1907 Photographische Bildnisse: Kunstsalon Emil Richter,
Dresden, Germany
1909 Einzelausstellung Hugo Erfurths: Grossherzoglichen Mu-
seums fu ̈r Kunst und Kunstgewerbe, Weimar, Germany
1926 Bildnisphotographien; Palais Lu ̈ttichau, Dresden, Ger-
1930 Lichtbildnisse; Kunstsalon Maria Kunde, Hamburg,
1947 Bildnisse aus dem XX. Jahrhundert; Wessenberghaus,
Constance, Switzerland
1951 Photokina; Cologne, Germany
1961 Bildnisse Hugo Erfurth; Museum Folkwang, Essen,
1982 Hugo Erfurth: Between Tradition and the Avant-Garde;
International Center of Photography, New York, New
1986 Hugo Erfurth; Rudolf Kicken Galerie, Cologne, Germany
1989 Hugo Erfurth; Bayer-Kulturabteilung, Leverkusen,
1992 Hugo Erfurth 1874–1948; Agfa Foto-Historama,
Cologne, Germany, and traveling

Group Exhibitions
1893 Internationale Ausstellung von Amateur-Photographien;
Dresden, Germany
1899 IV Ausstellung des Su ̈ddeutschen Photographen-Vereins;
Stuttgart, Germany
1909 Internationale Photographische Ausstellung; Dresden,
1929 Film und Foto: Internationale Ausstellung des Deutschen
Werkbundes; Stuttgart, Germany, and traveling
1933 Die Kamera; Berlin, Germany
1977 Documenta 6; Kassel, Germany
1989 Photography Until Now; Museum of Modern Art, New
York, New York, and traveling
1989 On the Art of Fixing a Shadow; National Gallery of
Art, Washington, D.C., and traveling
1997 Deutsche Fotografie: Macht eines Mediums 1870–
1970 ; Kunst-und-Ausstellungshalle der Bundesrepublik
Deutschland, Bonn, Germany

Selected Works
Genre Scene with Thuringian Peasants, 1893
Vanity (Female Nude Holding a Mirror), c. 1900
Archer (Male Nude Study), c. 1905


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