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Selected Works

Kelmscott Manor: Attics, c. 1897
Portrait of Alvin Langdon Coburn in Eastern Costume, 1901
In Sure and Certain Hope, York Minster, 1902
A Sea of Steps, Wells Cathedral: Stairs to Chapter House, 1903
Stairs to St. Catherine’s Well, Winchelsea, c. 1905
A Fifteenth Century Doorway, Ely, 1903

Further Reading

Camera Work: A Photographic Quarterly, 1903–1917. Rep-
rint, New York: Kraus Reprints, 1969.
Fuller, John. ‘‘Frederick H. Evans as Late Victorian.’’
Afterimagevol. 4, no. 4 (October 1976): 6–7, 18.

Hammond, Anne.Frederick H. Evans: Selected Texts and
Bibliography. Boston: G. K. Hall, 1992.
Hammond, Anne. ‘‘Frederick Evans—The Spiritual Har-
monies of Architecture.’’ InBritish Photography in the
Nineteenth Century. Edited by Mike Weaver. New York
and Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1989.
Hammond, Anne. ‘‘Frederick Evans’s Parish Churches for
Country Life.’’History of Photographyvol. 16, no. 1
(Spring 1992): 9–17.
Naef, Weston J.The Collection of Alfred Stieglitz. New
York: Viking Press, 1978.
Newhall, Beaumont.Frederick H. Evans. Millerton, NY:
Aperture, 1973.

Frederick H. Evans, Kelmscott Manor: Attics, ca. 1897, platinum print, 15.620.2 cm,
Museum Purchase: ex-collection Gordon Conn.
[Photograph courtesy of George Eastman House, permission supplied by Janet Stenner]

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