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graphs taken during the nation’s 1974 war of inde-
pendence. The Bamako (Mali)African Encounter
with Photography combines international exhibi-
tions with a unique perspective on the work of
African photographers.
He ́bel’s third category of photography festival,
events for professionals, encompasses both the pro-
duction and collection of photographs.Photolucida
in Portland, Oregon, and the Rhubarb-Rhubard
Festivalin Birmingham, England, both display the
work of internationally recognized photographers
but are primarily designed for mid-career photo-
graphers wishing to enhance their professional abil-
ities through portfolio reviews and workshops.
Fotonoviembre, in the Canary Island capital of
Tenerife (Spain), offers exhibitions and workshops
for an audience of photography scholars, conserva-
tion experts, critics, and journalists.
An entirely different sort of festival is the photo-
graphy fair organized for photography dealers and
buyers. These range from small events organized by
local collectors clubs to regional and national gath-
erings at which sellers display both photographs
and photography equipment. Other events, such
as theDaguerreian Society Symposium and Trade
Fair, serve a more specialized group of dealers and
buyers. On the international level, two events dom-
inate the photography trade fair circuit: the Asso-
ciation of International Photography Art Dealers
(AIPAD)Photography ShowandParis Photo. The
Washington-based AIPAD, organized in 1979 to
aid and regulate dealers in art photography, held
the first of its annualPhotography Showsthe fol-
lowing year. The annualParis Photo, founded in
1997, bills itself as ‘‘the global reference for the
market in 19th century, modern, and contempor-
ary photos’’ and, each year, highlights the work of
photographers from a designated nation. In 2004, a
third annual event,photo-london, was established
as a meeting place for galleries and dealers of his-
toric and contemporary photographs as well as
film and video.
In the first years of the twenty-first century,
photography festivals work towards increased co-
operation and globalization. Increasingly, festivals
coordinate the use of traveling exhibitions and
events, often across international borders.The San
Antonio Photography Festival, for instance, has
mounted a cross border exhibition in conjunction
with theFotoseptiembrefestival staged by Mexico’s
Centro de la Imagen. In 2005, Paris’sMois de la
Photowent a step further by working with festivals
in Vienna and Berlin to mount the firstEuropean
Month of Photography. The idea will be expanded in
future festivals to include other cities such as Rome,

Bratislava, and Moscow. In announcing that its
Europeanization of the month of photography
‘‘draws its inspiration from the collective values
and references that provide the foundations of
today’s Europe,’’ the ParisMois de la Photohar-
kens back to Franc ̧ois He ́bel’s definition of the
photography festival as an instrument for the pur-
suit of common taste.
Perhaps the most ambitious collaborative effort
among photography festivals is the Festival of
Light, a joint initiative by 22 photography festivals
in 16 European, North American, and South
American countries. From the mid-1990s, annual
meetings have facilitated international exchanges
of exhibits while the Festival’s website is a useful
portal to its members’ events. In its mission state-
ment, theFestival of Lightreflects a growing sensi-
bility among photography festivals when it
proposes a permanent ‘‘pathway of photography
around the world.’’
Seealso:Professional Organizations; Royal Photo-
graphic Society

(Accessed May 8, 2005)
Association of International Photography Art Dealers
(AIPAD) Photography Show http://www.photoshow.
Berlin Photography Festival
Cape Town Month of Photographyhttp://www.photocen
Chobi Mela (Bangladesh)
ClickArt (Singapore)
Contact (Toronto)
Daguerreian Society Symposium
Das BildForum (Germany)
Festival of Light
Foto & Photo (Cesano Maderno, Italy)http://www.cesano-
Foto Bie ̈nnale Rotterdam
FotoFest (Houston)
Fotoseptiembre (Mexico City) http://www.conaculta.gob.
Fotonoviembre (Tenerife)
Mesiac Fotografi (Bratislava)
Miesiac Fotographi w Krakowie (Karkow) http://www.
Le Mois de la Photo (Paris)
Le Mois de la Photo a`Montre ́alhttp://www.moisdelaphoto.
Moscow House of Photography Photobiennalehttp://www.


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