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By the outbreak of World War II in 1939, travel
possibilities were limited. Funke photographed
nevertheless in the area of Louny (symbolically the
origin of the Czech nation), photographed church-
es and monuments in Prague (the fear that they
could be destroyed by the war was not groundless),
and returned occasionally to Kolı ́n to photograph
there also.
In Kolı ́n he survived an immense bombing of the
city in August 1944 but fear accompanied him con-
stantly. On March 22, 1945, Jaromı ́r Funke died
suddenly because an emergency operation, needed
because of an intestine perforation, could not be
carried out due to a four-hour air raid alarm.


Seealso:Abstraction, Photogram; Drtikol, Frantisek;
Man Ray; Pictorialism; Sudek, Josef; Teige, Karel


Born in Skutecˇ(Bohemia) on 1 August 1896. Childhood in
Kolı ́n, there attending High School. 1914 admission at
the ‘‘French Lyzeum’’ (Secondary School) in Grenoble.
1915 ‘‘Abitur’’ at the High School in Kolı ́n. 1915 Funke
studied medicine in Prague. 1919 changed to study law.
Between 1919 and 1922 also attended lectures on philo-
sophy and history of art at the Philosophical Faculty.
1920 began intensively to dedicate himself to photogra-
phy. Met Josef Sudek in Kolı ́n, with whom he main-
tained a lifelong friendship. Photography publications in
the Swiss magazineCamera, first participation in exhibi-
tions (Toronto, Paris). Member of thePhoto Club Pra-
gue(March 1924). In January 1925 co-founded the
Czech Photographic Society. In 1927 gave first public
lectures on photography. 1929 exclusion of Funke (and
Sudek) from theCzech Photographic Society. 1929 the
beginning of his cooperation at the magazinesRedand
Index. In April 1930 participated in the legendary exhi-
bition ‘‘New Photography’’ in the Mansarde of the Aven-
tinum (Aventinska ́ Mansarda). From September 1931
lectured at ‘‘Sˇkola umelecky ́ch remesiel’’ in Bratislava
(School of Applied Arts in Bratislava) and the
‘‘Ucˇnˇovske ́Sˇkole Fotograficke ́’’ (Apprentice School of
Photography, in Bratislava). From March 1932 photo-
graphs for the monthly magazine ‘‘Nova ́ Bratislava’’
(New Bratislava). At the beginning of 1933 prepared
guidelines for photography instruction used in the
school year 1933–1934 atSta ́tnı ́Graficka ́Sˇkolav Praze
(State School of Graphic Arts in Prague). In May 1933
external professor to this SSGA in Prague. 1.9. 1934
regular professor for photography in Bratislava. 1.2.
1935 appointment as regular professor for photography
at SSGA in Prague. Apart from teaching, worked on
several photographic cycles, notably on ‘‘Cˇas trva ́’’
(Time Persists). Beside numerous portraits of well-
known artists, Funke took photographs of Bohemian
churches, monuments, and landscapes: After the out-
break of the war he intensified this personal ‘‘Mission
he ́liographique’’ both in Prague as well as in the envir-
onment (Kolı ́n, Karltejn, Louny, Podeˇbrady ). During

the war cooperated at numerous photo publications,
among them the PortfolioModernı ́cˇeska ́ fotografie
(Modern Czech Photography, Prague, 1943). Numerous
lectures on photographic techniques and esthetic pro-
blems of the photography. Died March 22, 1945.

Individual Exhibitions
1931 Kolı ́n ve fotografi(The city of Kolı ́n in the photogra-
phy), Kolı ́n
1935 Kra ́sna ́ jizba(Nice Living), Prague (also shown in
Bratislava 1936)
1941 Louny ve fotografii(The city of Louny in the photo-
graphy), Louny
1943 Chra ́m sv. Bartolomeˇje v Kolı ́neˇve fotografii Professora
Funkeho(The Cathedral of St. Bartholomeus in Kolı ́nin
the Photography of Professor Funke), Kolı ́n
1946–1947Professor Jaromı ́r Funke, Kolı ́n
1953 Kra ́sny ́Kolı ́n v umeˇlecke ́fotografii Professora Jaromı ́ra
Funkeho(A nice city of Kolı ́n in the artistic photography
of Professor Jaromı ́r Funke), Kolı ́n
1958 Kabinet Jaromı ́ra Funkeho(The photographic cabinet
of Jaromı ́r Funke), Brno, (The same exhibition in Kolı ́n,
1965 Jaromı ́r Funke, fotografie z let 1924–1944(Jaromı ́r
Funke, The Photography from 1924–1944), Gallery Vin-
cenc Krama ́rˇ, Prague
1976 J.F.: Fotografie(J.F.: Photography), District Museum,
Kolı ́n nad Labem, and traveled in Aachen, 1976, Bochum,
1977, West Berlin, 1978, Paris,1979
1979 Kabinet Jaromı ́ra Funkeho(The photographic cabinett
of Jaromı ́r Funke), Brno, and traveled in Prakapas Gal-
lery, NewYork 1982
1984 Jaromı ́r Funke, Surface of the Reality, Gallerie Rudolf
Kicken, Cologne and Basel
1986 Jaromı ́r Funke, Vintage prints, Robert Koch Gallery,
San Francisco
1986 Sudek, Funke, Old City Hall in Prague
1993 Funkeho Louny(The city of Louny in Photography of
Funke), District Museum, Louny
1993 Funke, Vy ́stava fotografiı ́ze sbı ́rky lounske ́ho muzea
(Funke, Photographic Exhibition from the Collection of
Museum of Louny), Dobra ́Gallery, Prague
1993 Jaromı ́r Funke- Fotografie(Jaromı ́r Funke- Photogra-
phy), Funke Photography Festival in Kolı ́n, District
Museum, Kolı ́n
1993 Lounsky ́cyklus(Photographic Studies on the city of
Louny), Louny
1995 Jaromı ́r Funke. Fotografie 1919–1943.Veˇci skleneˇne ́a
obycˇejne ́ (Jaromı ́r Funke. Photography 1919–1943.
Objects from glass, banal objects), Prague House of
1996 Jaromı ́r Funke. Svatovı ́tsky ́cyklus(Jaromı ́r Funke,
Photographic Studies on the Cathedral of St.Veit in

Selected Group Exhibitions
1923 Druha ́vy ́stava CˇKFA v Cˇesky ́ch Budeˇjovicı ́ch(Second
Exhibition of the Czech Club of Photographers Ama-
teurs), City Center Museum in Cˇeske ́Budeˇjovice
1924 I. Vy ́stava Svazu CˇKFA v Praze(Ist Exhibition of the
Czech Club of Photographers Amateurs in Prague)


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