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192419 Salon International de Photographie, Paris
1924 33. Toronto Salon of Photography, Toronto
1925 2nd Midland Salon of Photography, Birmingham, Eng-
1925 The Northern Photography Exhibition, Bradford, Eng-
1925 Salon International d’Art Photographique, Calais,
1925 International Exhibition of Pictorial Photography, New
Westminster, Canada
192520 Salon international de Photographie, Paris
1925 30th AnnualExhibition ofPictorial Photography, London

1925–1926Primo Salon Italiano d’Arte Fotografica Interna-
zionale, Torino, Italy
1926 7th Annual Salon of Photography, Buffalo Camera
Club, The Albright Art Gallery, Buffalo, New York
1926 Foersta Internationella Fotografiska Salongen, Stock-
holm, Sweden
1926 Zealand Salon of Photography, Dunedin, New Zealand
1926 II. Salon International, Zaragoza, Spain
1926 13th Annual Pittsburgh Salon of Photographic Art,
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
1984 Czech Photography 1918–1938, Museum Folkwang,
Essen, Germany


Jaromı ́r Funke, Still life (plates), 1923, Photo: Jean-Claude Planchet.
[CNAC/MNAM/Dist. Re ́union des Muse ́es Nationaux/Art Resource, New York]

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