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journalism: Origin and Evolution, 1910–1933in 1972
and still widely cited as an invaluable first-hand
account of the development of modern photojourn-
alism. By the time of the book’s U.S. release,
Gidal had returned to Israel, where he met his
second wife, Pia Lis. He spent the next two dec-
ades exhibiting and teaching in the Department of
Communications at the Hebrew University of Jer-
usalem, where his scholarship focused almost
exclusively on Jewish history in The Holy Land,
the Near East, and, finally, in Germany. His text-
bookEveryone Lives in Communitiesappeared in
1972, and in 1980, Gidal was awarded the Israel
Museum’s Kavlin Prize for outstanding achieve-
ments as a pioneer of photojournalism and tea-
cher/historian of photography. Three years later,
he was honored with the Dr. Erich Solomon Prize
for Germany in Cologne.
Throughout the 1980s, Gidal (who was by then
known as Nachum T. Gidal) worked to compile an
illustrated history of Jews in Germany with his second
wife Pia, whom he married in 1984. An exhibition of
selected works from the book traveled throughout
Germany in the mid-eighties, and the book, titled
Jews in Germany from Roman Times to the Weimar
Republic, was released in 1988 and translated in Eng-
lish a decade later. The recipient of numerous awards
and honors, Gidal was elected Fellow of the Royal
Photographic Society, London and made an Honor-
ary Fellow in 1992, the same year he was named
Corresponding Member of the Deutsche Gesellschaft
fu ̈r Photographie. His work is held in the permanent
collections of, among other distinguished institutions,
New York’s Museum of Modern Art, the Los
Angeles County Museum of Art, London’s Victoria
and Albert Museum, the Berlinische Galerie, Paris’
Bibliothe`que Nationale, Paris; Fotomuseum, Mu-
nich and the Ludwig Museum in Cologne. After 87
years as a devoted practitioner, scholar, and humanist
whose work was extraordinary in both its scope and
significance, Nachum Tim Gidal died in Jerusalem on
October 4, 1996. His archive of more than 14,000
prints and negatives was bequeathed to the Israel
Museum in Jerusalem.


Seealso:Life Magazine; Picture Post


Born in Munich, Germany, 18 May 1909. Studied history,
art history, literature, and economics at the University of
Munich and University of Berlin, Germany, 1928–1933.
Received M.A. and PhD for dissertationBildberich-
terstattung und Press (Pictorial Reporting and the
Press), 1935. Photojournalist forDephot1929–1935; for

Reuters, Mandate Palestine, 1936; forPicture Post, Lon-
don, 1938–1939; and forParade,Palestine, 1942–1945.
Editorial consultant,Lifemagazine, 1949–1954. Lecturer
on the History of Visual Communication, New School
for Social Research, New York, New York, 1954–1958;
Lecturer (later, Associate Professor), Hebrew University
of Jerusalem, Faculty of Social Sciences, 1971–1987.
Elected Fellow of the Royal Photographic Society, Lon-
don, 1965. Received Israel Museum’s Kavlin Prize for
outstanding achievement, 1980. Awarded the Dr. Erich
Solomon Prize, Cologne, Germany, 1983. Elected Corre-
sponding Member of the Deutsche Gesellschaft fu ̈r
Photographie, 1992; named Honorary Fellow of the
Royal Photographic Society, London, England, 1992.
Gidal died in Jerusalem on October 4, 1996 at age 87.

Individual Exhibitions
1937 Steimatzky Gallery; Jerusalem, Israel
1943 Officers’ Club; Cairo, Egypt
1971 Gold Weights of the Ashanti: Nachum T. Gidal Collec-
tion; The Israel Museum; Jersualem, Israel
1975 Tim N. Gidal in the Thirties; The Israel Museum;
Jerusalem, Israel (traveled to The Photographer’s Gal-
lery; London, England in 1976; Lee Witkin Gallery; New
York, New York; Berlin, Germany; Basel, Switzerland)
1978 Tim Gidal: A Retrospective; Lee Witkin Gallery; New
York, New York
1979 Tim N. Gidal Vintage Prints; Galerie Nagel, Berlin, Ger-
many (traveled to Galerie Photo Art, Basel, Switzerland)
1981 Tim Gidal in the Forties; The Photographers’ Gallery;
London, England
1984 Bilder der Dreissigerjahre; Folkwang Museum, Essen,
Memories of Jewish Poland; Beth Hatefutsoth; Tel
Aviv, Israel
1985 Tim Gidal: 20thCentury Photographer; Laenderbank;
Vienna, Austria
1986 Kuait, 1942; Vision Gallery; San Francisco, California
(traveled to Lempertz Gallery; Cologne, Germany)
1989 French Can-Can; Khan Theater, Jerusalem
1990 Die Freudianer; Lucerne, Switzerland (traveled to Nor-
dend Galerie, Frankfurt, Germany; Fotomuseum, Munich,
Germany; Hans Albers Museum, Westphalia, Germany)
1992 Nachum Tim Gidal, Photographs 1929–1991; The Open
Museum, Tefen, Israel
1995 My Way—Tim Gidal; Israel Museum Art Gallery;
Jerusalem, Israel

Selected Group Exhibitions
1984 Die Juden in Deutschland von der Ro ̈merzeit bis zur
Weimarer Republik; Beth Hatefutsoth, Tel Aviv, Israel
(traveled to Fisher Hall; Jerusalem, Israel in 1988)
1985 Land of Promise: Photographs from Palestine 1850–
1948 ; New York and Tel Aviv
1993 Chronisten des Lebens—die Moderne Fotoreportage;
Berlin (traveled to Go ̈teborg, Sweden; Judisches Mu-
seum der Stadt Wien, Vienna, Austria)

Selected Works
Tel Aviv, 1935
Nun with Gas Mask, London, 1940, 1940

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