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personal interest in both the visual and performing
arts, and it documents his concern with photograph-
ing multiple aspects of the human condition. In
France, some of his photographs are included in the
collections of Re ́attu Museum in Arles and in the
Nice ́phore Nie ́pce Museum in Chalon-sur-Saoˆne.


Seealso:Photography in France; Martine Franck;
Franc ̧ois Hers


Born in Rennes, France, 11 May 1937. Attended the E ́cole
des Beaux-Arts de Rennes, the E ́cole technique de photo-
graphie et de cine ́matographie (ETPC), Paris, 1957–1959;
military service in Ivry, France, 1960–1962. Worked with
Gilles Ehrmann as an apprentice 1963–1964. Joined the
Agence Vu 1971–1972; founding member of the Agence
Viva, 1972. Fondation nationale de la photographie
Grant, 1979. Joined Rapho photoagency, 1982. FIACRE
(French Ministry of Culture) Grant, 1983.

Individual Exhibitions

1974 Portraits d’artistes; Muse ́e d’Art Moderne de la Ville
de Paris–ARC; Paris
1982 Lyon: Portrait d’une ville; Fondation nationale de la
photographie; Lyons
1989 Afriques; FNAC; ParisLe miel et le bronze: Femmes
nomades au Niger;XXeRencontres internationales de la
photographie; Arles, France (traveled to Cre ́dit Foncier
de France; Paris)
1992 Le marche ́mondial du sang; Visa pour l’image Festival;
Perpignan, France
1993 Portraits de femmes; Keller Gallery; Paris
1995 De Saı ̈gon aHo-Chi-Minh Ville (avril-mai 1975): Photogra- phiesHerve ́Gloaguen; Centreculturelfranco-vietnamien; Paris 1996 Des avions et des hommes: Photographies en Afrique pour Air Solidarite ́; FNAC; Paris 1998 jazz: Philippe Hartley, peintures-Herve ́Gloaguen, pho- tographies; artshop; Isle-sur-la-Sorgue, France 2000 ARome la nuit: Photographies Herve ́Gloaguen; Centre
municipal d’activite ́s culturelles; Choisy-le-Roi, France

Group Exhibitions

1973–1976Famille en France; Diaframma Gallery; Milan,
Italy (traveled to The Photographers’ Gallery, London;
Wilde Gallery, Cologne, Germany; Syde Gallery, New
Castle, UK; Centaur Gallery, Montreal, Canada)
1975 VIe Rencontres internationales de la photographie;
Arles, France
1976 le groupe Viva: Photographies; Galerie municipale du
Chaˆ teau d’Eau; Toulouse, France
1977 Photojournalisme, Galliera Museum; Paris
1978 European Colour Photography; The Photographers’
Gallery; London
1980 Jeune photographie; Fondation nationale de la photo-
graphie; Lyons, France

1985 IVeBiennale internationale de l’image de Nancy;
Nancy, France
2001 Jazz; Agathe Gaillard Gallery; Paris
2002 La fotografia tra storia e poesia: fotografie della colle-
zione FNAC; Centre culturel Franc ̧ ais de Milan, Gruppo
Credito Valtellinese Gallery, FNAC Gallery: Milan

Selected Works
Illustrated Books
L’Art actuel en France: du cine ́tisme a`l’hyperre ́alisme, 1973
La Loire angevine, 1979
Lyon, 1982
Droit d’asile, 1986
Jazz, 2004

Qui a peur de Virginia Woolf?Re ́alite ́s, no. 230, March
1965, 96–101
Andy Warhol: le mage fantasque des extravagances new-
yorkaisesRe ́alite ́s, August 1967, 36-41
Tant qu’il y aura du sangGEO, no. 98, April 1987, 186–218

Louis Armstrong et Velma Middleton, Paris, Palais des
Sports, 1961
Louis Armstrong, Paris, Palais des Sports, 1965
Andy Warhol, New York, 1966
Famille d’Aix-en-Provence, 1972
Squatters a`Islington, Londres, ca. 1974
Jeune homme, Rome, place Navone, 1995

Further Reading
Gloaguen: 2 ans de travail dans l’intimite ́ de huit artistes
contemporains.Photo, no. 58, July 1972: 82–89, 108, 110.
Boivin, Jacques. Herve ́Gloaguen.Zoom, no. 27, 1974: 26–
33, 108.
Davis, Sue, ed.European Color Photography. London: The
Photographer’s Gallery, 1978.
Gautrand, Jean-Claude. Le regard des autres: humanisme
ou ne ́o-re ́alisme? In Michel Frizot,Nouvelle histoire de
la photographie, Adam Biro: Paris, 1994, 613–639.
A Day in the Life of Australia, photographed by 100 of the
world’s leading photographers. Potts Point (Australia,
NSW): DITLA, 1981.
Lyons : Fondation nationale de la photographie, 1980.
La fotografia tra storia e poesia: fotografie della collezione
FNAC. Milan: Mazzotta, 2002.
Photographie actuelle en France, Paris: Contrejour, 1976.
Kismaric, Carole.Forced out: The agony of the refugee in
our time. London: Penguin Books, 1989.
Nori, Claude.La photographie franc ̧aise des origines a`nos
jours. Paris: Contrejour, 1978.
Nori, Claude.La photographie franc ̧aise des origines a`nos
jours. Paris: Contrejour, 1988.


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