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In 1967, on assignment for a Swedish company,
Hammarskio ̈ld started creating ‘‘Pictoramas.’’
These are color visual multimedia shows using up
to 36 different projectors and often synchronized
with music. Hammarskio ̈ld also photographed
artists and their work, such as American sculptor
Claes Oldenburg and the great Russian dancer
Rudolf Nureyev. He published a book of holo-
graphs with Swedish artist and poet Carl Fredrik
Reuterswa ̈rd in 1969 titledLaser.
Throughout his career, Hammarskio ̈ld has taken
photographs of nature, frequently focusing on
details that result in images which are fairly
abstract. InGotlandsstrand, 1973, a feather is lit up
in the foreground with the shining sun in the back-
ground, separated by the ocean and unique rock
formations. The line of the translucent feather
adds a decorative quality to the image found in
many other of his images such as ‘‘The Royal
Palace, Stockholm, 1970.’’ The swan’s curved
white neck frames part of the image, again present-
ing a graphic aspect of the image with intense black–
and-white contrasts. Hammarskio ̈ld’s many photo-
graphs of nature celebrate its beauty and complex-
ity. In Jan Cederquist’s text,Hans Hammarskio ̈ld,
Photographer(1979), Hammarskio ̈ld is quoted:

I’m very concerned about what we’re doing to nature
today. As a photographer I could try influencing opinions
by showing ugly deforestations areas, animals killed by
pesticides and the like. But I prefer doing it the opposite
way. To show the beauty and magic of nature. To try to
make people see and feel what’s really at stake.
Hammarskio ̈ld still illustrates books today, tak-
ing many pictures of nature, working mainly in
color since 1984. He has illustrated 25 books, and
his photographs have been published internation-
ally. His work is also found in collections across the
world, including MoMA, the Library of Congress,
and the Bibliothe`que nationale de France in Paris.


Seealso: Conde ́ Nast; History of Photography:
Postwar Era; Olson, Lennart


Born in Stockholm, 17 May 1925. Attended Ostra Real,
1936–1944; self-educated in photography; assistant to
cinematographer Sven Thermænius, 1947; apprentice at
Studio Uggla under portraitist Rolf Winquist, Stock-
holm, 1948. Photographer, Bellander Studio, Stock-
holm, 1950;Voguemagazine, Conde ́Nast Publications,
London, 1955–1956; freelance photographer (fashion,
architecture, and nature) in Stockholm, since 1957;
founding member of ‘‘Tio Fotografer,’’ Stockholm,

1958; freelance multimedia shows since 1967; illustrated
25 books since 1950s. Living in Stockholm, Sweden.

Individual Exhibitions
1951 Rotohallen; Stockholm, Sweden
1956 London; Institute of Contemporary Arts; London, England
1958 London; Artek; Stockholm, Sweden
1962 Scandinavian Design Cavalcade; Svensk Form; Stock-
holm, Sweden
1979 Retrospective; Camera Obscura; Stockholm, Sweden
Retrospective; Douglas Elliott Gallery; San Francisco,
1981 Stephen White Gallery; Los Angeles, California
1984 Vision Gallery; San Francisco, California
1985 Stockholm; Bloomingdale’s; New York
1987 Gotlands Fornsal; Visby, Sweden
1989 Barn, barnbarn; Upplands Konstmuseum; Uppsala, Sweden
1993 Subjectivt sett; Fotografiska Museet; Stockholm, Sweden
2002 Reflexer-bilder fra ̊n ett halvt seke; Waldemarsudde;
Stockholm, Sweden

Group Exhibitions
1949 Unga fotografer(Young Photographers); Rotohallen;
Stockholm, Sweden (1950, traveled to New York)
1951 Jeunes Photographes de Sue`de; Galerie Kodak; Paris,
Subjektive Fotografie; State Art and Crafts School;
Saarbru ̈cken, Switzerland
1952 Weltaustellung de Photographie; Lucerne, Switzerland
1953 Postwar European Photography; Museum of Modern
Art; New York and traveling
Svensk Fotokonst 1948–1951; Gothenburg Konstmu-
seum; Gothenburg, Sweden
1954 Svensk fotografi av idag, svartvitt; National Museum
of Stockholm; Stockholm, Sweden
Subjektive Fotografie 2; Saarbru ̈cken, Germany
1955 Fotografi 55; Svenska Fotografernas Fo ̈rbunds jubi-
leumsutsta ̈llning; Stockholm, Sweden
The Family of Man; Museum of Modern Art; New
York and traveling
1958 Fotokunst; Lunds Konsthall; Lund, Sweden
1962 Svenskarna sedda av 11 fotografer; Moderna Museet;
Stockholm, Sweden
1970 Tio Fotografer; Bibliothe`que Nationale; Paris, France
1971 Contemporary Photographs from Sweden, Library of
Congress; Washington, D.C.
1978 Tusen och En Bild/1001 Pictures, Moderna Museet;
Stockholm, Sweden
1982 The Frozen Image: Scandinavian Photography; Walker
Art Center; Minneapolis, Minnesota
1984 Six Swedish Photographers, LACPS; Los Angeles, California
1985 ‘‘Subjektive Fotografie,’’Bilder der 50er Jahre; Muse-
um Folkwang; Essen, Germany

Selected Works
Barcelona, 1949
Frost, 1949
Edward Steichen 1968, 1968
Battersea Bridge, 1955
Chelsea embankment, 1955
Caroline, 1955


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