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that took place, and it is a powerful reminder. A
second project that was completed after Hart-
mann’s death, ‘‘Where I Was,’’ offers an autobio-
graphical look at his career and the photographs he
took along the way. Reminders of his concise style
and recurring fascination with laser light and
reflected abstractions can be seen, displaying the
depth in his accomplished journalistic and technical
skills. The observations of the world around him
and of people’s relationship with their environments
reveal a multifaceted, reflected view of the ordinary.
Hartmann the working photographer was sur-
rounded by high technology and technical ways of
looking at objects around us, while at the same time
he was a self-proclaimed ‘‘commonplace’’ photogra-
pher who had a way of looking at the ordinary with
unusual angles and perspectives. Following his death
in 1999, he was recognized for his contribution to
photography and young photographers that he nur-
tured and supported and with the naming of the Erich
Hartmann Arts Centre at the United World College
of the Adriatic in Duino, Italy, in February 2000.


Seealso:Capa, Robert; Magnum Photos


Born in Munich, Germany, 29 July 1922. Immigrated with
family to United States, 1938, naturalized 1943. Served in
U.S. Army 1943–1945. Self-educated in photography. Free-
lance photographer from 1950. Lecturer at Syracuse Uni-
versity, International Fund for Concerned Photographers,
New York University, University of Maryland, Summer
Academy in Salzburg. Received Newhouse Medal, Syra-
cuse University, New York; Art Directors Award, New
York, 1968, 1977; Photokina Award, 1972; CRAF Inter-
national Award of Photography; member of Magnum
Photos from 1952, served on Board 1967–1986, President
1985–1986. Died New York City, 4 February 1999.

Individual Exhibitions

1956 Sunday Under the Bridge; Museum of the City of New
York, New York
1962 Our Daily Bread; New York Coliseum, New York,
New York, and traveling
1971 Mannequin Factory; The Underground Gallery, New
York, New York, and traveling
1973 Europe in Space; The Photographers’ Gallery, Lon-
don, England
1976 Carnet de Routes’ Natures Mortes; Photogalerie, Paris,
1977 Photographs with a Laser; AIGA Gallery, New York,
New York, and Amsterdam, the Netherlands
1978 Play of Light; Neikrug Gallery, New York, New York
1981 Vu du Train (Train Journey); Galerie Olympus, Paris,
France, and traveling
1983 Macroworld; Galerie Olympus, Paris, France, and traveling

1984 Erich Hartmann Slept Here; Residenz, Salzburg, Aus-
tria, and New York, New York
1985 The Heart of Technology; Galerie Olympus, Paris,
France, and traveling
1987 Washington, Magnum Gallery, Paris, France
1988 Veritas; Cathedral of St. John the Divine, New York,
New York
1991 High Technology; Olympus Gallery, Berlin, Germany,
and traveling
1995 In the Camps; Gallery at the Arc de Triomphe, Paris,
France, and traveling
2000 Where I Was; Galerie Fotohof, Salzberg, Austria, and

Group Exhibitions
1955 Subjektive Fotografie 2; State Art and Crafts School,
Saarbru ̈cken, Germany
1959 Photography at Mid-Century; George Eastman House,
Rochester, New York
1960 Photography in the Fine Arts – II; Metropolitan
Museum of Art, New York, New York
The Sense of Abstraction in Contemporary Photogra-
phy; Museum of Modern Art, New York, New York
1965 Photography In America 1850–1965; Yale University
Art Gallery, New Haven, Connecticut
1967 International Exhibition of Photography: The Camera
as Witness; Montreal Expo, Montreal, Canada
1972 Photokina; Cologne, Germany
1979 This Is Magnum; Takashimaya Department Store,
Tokyo, Japan
1980 Magnum; Galerie Le Cloıˆtre Hotel de Ville, St.
Ursanne, Switzerland
1989 In Our Time: The World As Seen By Magnum Photo-
graphers; Minneapolis Institute of the Arts, Minneapo-
lis, Minnesota, and traveling
2002 Magnum Photographers: The Classic Years 1941–1985;
Andrew Smith Gallery, San Francisco, California

Selected Works
Rhode Island/Man Pointing, Reflected in a Puddle, 1949
Woman Preparing Dough for Bread, 1956
Shapes of Sound, IBM Voice Recognition Study, 1960
Dover-Calais Ferry, 1967
Cystosine Flask, 1981
Mannequin Factory, 1969
Prisoner’s Uniform. Forest of Below, 1995
Family Therapy, Veritas, 1991

Further Reading
Magnum Photos. St. Ursanne: Switzerland and Paris, 1980.
Auer, Michel, and Miche`le Auer, eds.Photographers Ency-
clopedia International. CD-ROM, 1997.
Hartmann, Erich.In the Camps. New York and London: N.
W. Norton Company, 1995;Stumme Zeugen(German),
Dans le silence des camps(French),Il silenzio dei campi
(Italian) Contrasto, 1997.
Hartmann, Erich, and Georges Bardawil.Au Clair de la
Terre; l’Europe des satellites, hommes et techniques.
Arcade, Brussels, 1972.
Hartmann, Erich.Our Daily Bread. Minneapolis, MN:
Pillsbury, 1962.


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