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The Imaginary Photo Museum, Photokina, Cologne,
Absage das Einzelbild, Museum Folkwang, Essen,
Rencontres, Rencontres Internationales de la Photo-
graphie, Arles, France
1981 American Children, The Museum of Modern Art, New
Artist’s Books: A Survey 1960–1981, Ben Shahn Cen-
ter for the Visual Arts, William Patterson College,
Wayne, New Jersey
Crane, Jachna, Josephson, Larson, Metzker/ An Exhi-
bition of Photographs, Fine Arts Center Gallery, Univer-
sity of Arkansas, and traveling
ORD to LAX, Los Angeles Center for Photographic
Studies, Los Angeles
1982 Work by Former Students of Aaron Siskind, Center for
Creative Photography, University of Arizona, Tuscon
20th Century Photographs from the Museum of Con-
temporary Art, Seibu, Museum of Art, Tokyo and tra-
Photo-Collage, Contemporary Arts Museum, Hous-
ton, Texas
1983 Harry Callahan and His Students: A Study in Influence,
Georgia State University Art Gallery, Atlanta
1984 Exposed and Developed, National Museum of Amer-
ican Art, Smithsonian Institution, Washington D.C.
Creative Photography, Bibliothe`que nationale de
France, Paris
1985 American Images: Photography, 1945–1980, Barbican
Art Gallery, London
Art, Design and the Modern Corporation, National
Museum of American Art, Smithsonian Institution,
Washington D.C.
1986 Staging the Self: Self-Portrait Photography, 1840’s–
1980’s, National Portrait Gallery, London and traveling
1987 Photogaphy and Art: Interactions Since 1946, Los
Angeles County Museum of Art and traveling
Photographs Beget Photographs, Minneapolis Insti-
tute of Art Minneapolis, Minnesota and traveling
Modern Photography and Beyond, National Museum
of Modern Art, Kyoto
1988 Josephson, Jachna, and Siegel: Chicago Experimentalists,
San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco
1989 150 ans de photographie: Certitudes et Interrogations,
1839–1989, Musee de la photographie, Charleroi, Belgium
Symbol and Surrogate: The Picture Within, University
of Hawaii Art Gallery, Honolulu and traveling
1992 Three Decades of Midwestern Photography, Davenport
Museum of Art, Iowa
1993 Industrial Effects: Twentieth-Century Photographs
from The Art Institute of Chicago, Art Institute of Chi-
1994 An American Century of Photography: From Dry-Plate
to Digital, The Hallmark Photographic Collection, Nel-
son-Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas City and Traveling
1996 When Aaron Met Harry: Chicago Photography, 1945–
1971 , Museum of Contemporary Photography, Colum-
bia College, Chicago
Together Again: Ishimoto, Jachna, Josephson, Metz-
ker, Sterling, Swedlund, Gallery 312, Chicago
Art in Chicago, 1945–1995, Museum of Contemporary
Art, Chicago
2002 Taken by Design: Photographs from the Institute of
Design, 1937–1971, Art Institute of Chicago and traveling

Selected Works
Matthew, 1965
Drottingholm, Sweden, 1967
New York State, 1970
The Bread Book, 1973
Washington, D.C. 1975, from the series Archaeological Ser-
ies, 6 Inch Contour Gauge, 1975
Self-portrait, 1963
Stockholm, 1967
Flags, 1969
Sally, 1976

Further Reading
Frizot, Michel, ed.A New History of Photography. Paris:
Konemann, 1999.
Green, Jonathan, and James Friedman.American Photo-
graphy: A Critical History 1945 to the Present.New
York: 1984.
Kelly, Jain.Nude Theory. New York: Lustrum Press, 1979.
Lemagny, Jean-Claude, and Andre Rouille, eds.Histoire de
la Photographie, A History of Photography: Social and
Cultural Perspectives. Paris: Bordas, 1986; Cambridge
University Press, 1987.
Travis, David, and Elizabeth Siegel, eds.Taken By Design.
Chicago: The Art Instituteof Chicago, 2002.
Warren, Lynne, and Carl Chiarenza.Kenneth Josephso.
Chicago: Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago, 1983.
Witkin, Lee D., and Barbara London.The Photography
Collector’s Guide, first edition. New York: 1979.
Wolf, Sylvia.Kenneth Josephson: A Retrospectiv.Chicago:
The Art Institute of Chicago, 1999.
Krantz, Claire Wolf. ‘‘Stolen Captured: Robert Heinecken,
Kenneth Josephson.’’New Art Examinervol. 27, no. 5
(2000): 32–7.
White, Minor, ed. ‘‘Five Photography Students from the
Institute of Design, Illinois Institute of Technology.’’
Aperture9, 2 (1961): n. p. (ill.).

Kenneth Josephson, Stockholm, 1967, Gelatin silver print,
Collection Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago, Illinois
Arts Council Purchase Grant.
[Photograph#Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago.#
Kenneth Josephson. Courtesy of Rhona Hoffman Gallery,
Chicago, Illinois]


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