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Born in Mardin, Armenia, 23 December 1908. Immigrated
to Quebec, Canada, 1924. 1928, apprenticeship under
John H. Garo of Boston, Massachusetts. Established
studio in Ottawa, 1933, that remained open until 30
June 1992. 1939, marriage to actress Solange Gauthier.
1941, achieved international fame with portrait of Brit-
ish Prime Minister Winston Churchill. 1962, marriage to
second wife. Canada Council Medal, 1969; Honorary
Fellow of the Royal Photographic Society of Great Brit-
ain, 1970; Master of Photographic Arts, Professional
Photographers of Canada, 1970; Member of the Royal
Canadian Academy of Arts, 1975; Companion of the
Order of Canada, 1990; Master of Photography, Inter-
national Center of Photography, 1990; Gold Medal of
Merit, National Society of Arts and Letters, 1991. Died
in Boston, Massachusetts, 13 July 2002.

Individual Exhibitions

1951 The Men of Ford of Canada; Canadian National Exhi-
bition; Toronto, Canada
1951 Celebrities by Yousuf Karsh; George Eastman House, Roche-
ster, New York
1952 Photographs by Yousuf Karsh; Art Institute of Chicago,
1959 National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, Canada
1967 Men Who Make Our World; Expo ‘67 World’s Fair;
Montre ́al, Canada
1983 Celebration of Karsh’s 75thbirthday; Museum of Photo-
graphy, Film and Television; Bradford, England, and
1983 Karsh: A Fifty-Year Retrospective; International Cen-
ter of Photography; New York, New York, and traveling
1984 Photographic Museum, Helsinki
1988 Karsh: A Birthday Celebration; Barbican Centre of Lon-
don; London, England, and traveling
1989 Karsh: The Art of the Portrait; National Gallery of Canada;
Ottawa, Canada
1992 American Legends; International Center of Photogra-
phy; New York, New York, and traveling
1996 Karsh: The Searching Eye; Museum of Fine Arts, Bos-
ton, Massachsetts, and traveling
199890 thBirthday Celebration; National Gallery of Canada;
Ottawa, Canada
1999 Karsh: Faces of the Twentieth Century; National Por-
trait Gallery of Australia; Canberra, Australia
2000 Karsh; Nagoya/Museum of Fine Arts Boston; Nagoya,
2000 Yousuf Karsh: Helden aus Licht und Schatten; Deutsches
Historisches Museum; Berlin, Germany
2003 Naples Art Museum, Naples, Florida
2004 Yousuf Karsh: Industrial Portraits; Art Gallery of Wind-
sor; Windsor, Canada

Group Exhibitions

1967 Photography in the 20th Century; National Gallery of
Canada; Ottawa, Canada, and traveling

1973 Santa Barbara Museum of Art, California (with Mar-
garet Bourke-White)
1977 Fotografische Ku ̈nstlerbildnisse; Museum Ludwig; Co-
logne, Germany
1979 Photographie als Kunst 1879–1979/Kunst als Photogra-
phie 1949–1979; Tiroler Landesmuseum; Innsbruck,
Austria, and traveling
1980 The Imaginary Photo Museum, Kunsthalle; Cologne,
1982 Lichtbildnisse: Das Portra ̈t in der Fotografie; Rhei-
nisches Landesmuseum; Bonn, Germany
1984 Sammlung Gruber, Museum Ludwig, Cologne, Ger-
1999 Reflections on the Artist: Self-Portraits and Portraits,
National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa

Selected Works
Romeo and Juliet (The Tomb of the Capulets), 1933
Turban (Betty Low), 1936
Winston Churchill, 1941
Joan Crawford, 1948
Albert Einstein, 1948
Rear Window (Gow Crapper), 1951
Farmer by His House, ca. 1952
Pablo Casals, 1954
Audrey Hepburn, 1956
Georgia O’Keeffe, 1956
Ernest Hemingway, 1957
Ossip Zadkine, 1965

Further Reading
Borcoman, James, et al.Karsh: The Art of the Portrait.
Ottawa: National Gallery of Canada, 1989.
Karsh, Yousuf.Faces of Destiny. Chicago: Ziff-Davis Pub-
lishing, and London: George G. Harrap, 1946.
Karsh, Yousuf.Portraits of Greatness. New York: Thomas
Nelson and Sons, and Toronto: University of Toronto
Press, 1959.
Karsh, Yousuf.In Search of Greatness. Toronto: Toronto
Press, and New York: Alfred P. Knopf, 1962.
Karsh, Yousuf.Karsh: A Sixty Year Retrospective. Bos-
ton: Bulfinch Press and Boston Museum of Fine Arts,
Karsh, Yousuf.Karsh. Nagoya: Nagoya/Boston Museum
of Fine Arts, 2000.
Karsh, Yousuf, and John Fisher.Canada: As Seen by the
Camera of Yousuf Karsh and Described in Words by John
Fisher. Toronto: Allen, 1960.
Karsh, Yousuf, and Jerry Fielder.Karsh: A Biography in
Images. Boston: Museum of Fine Arts Publications,
Vorsteher, Dieter, and Janet Yates, eds.Yousuf Karsh:
Helden aus Licht und Schatten. Berlin: G+H Verlag,
2000; asYousuf Karsh: Heroes of Light and Shadow.
Toronto: Stoddart Publishing, 2001.

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