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1979 A Pictorial Heritage: The Photographs of Gertrude
Ka ̈sebier, Delaware Art Museum and The Brooklyn
Museum of Art, New York
1992 Gertrude Ka ̈sebier: The Photographer and Her Photo-
graphs, Museum of Modern Art, New York, New York

Group Exhibitions

1896 Boston Camera Club
1897 Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, New York
1898 1st Philadelphia Photographic Salon
1901 The New School of American Photography, London
and Paris
1902 American Pictorial Photography, National Arts Club,
New York
1903 Jubilee Exhibition, Hamburg, Germany
1904 Photo-Secession shows at Corcoran Art Gallery, Washing-
ton, D.C., and the Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh, PA
1905 Little Galleries of the Photo-Secession, New York
Lewis and Clark Exposition, Portland, OR
Vienna Camera-Klub
1906 Joint exhibition with Clarence White, Little Galleries of
the Photo-Secession
Photo-Secession Exhibition, The Pennsylvania Acad-
emy of Fine Arts, Philadelphia
Photo-Club de Paris, Paris, France
Photographic Salon, London
1907 New English Art Galleries, London
1908 Photo-Club de Paris
1909 International Photographic Exposition, Dresden
International Exhibition of Pictorial Photography,
National Arts Club, New York
1910 International Exhibition of Pictorial Photography,
Albright Art Gallery, Buffalo, New York
1914 Royal Photographic Society, London
1929 Department of Photography, Brooklyn Institute of
Arts and Sciences, New York
1988 Fine Day: An Exhibition Featuring Photographs by Alice
Austen, Frank Eugene, Gertrude Ka ̈sebier and Others,
Alice Austen House, Staten Island, New York
After the Manner of Women: Photographs by Kasebier,
Cunningham, and Ulmann, J. Paul Getty Museum, Los
Angeles, California
1991 Gertrude Ka ̈sebier and Helen Levitt, Museum of Modern
Art, Metropolitan Museum of Art Traveling Exhibition

Selected Works

The Red Man, ca 1898
Zitkala-Sa, 1898
The Manger, 1899
Blessed Art Thou Among Women, ca. 1900
Portrait of Miss N, 1903

Silhouette Portrait of a Boy in Profile, ca. 1905
The Silhouette (Gerson Sisters), 1906

Further Reading
Anonymous. ‘‘Some Indian Portraits.’’Everybody’s Maga-
zine4 (January 1901).
‘‘The Ka ̈sebier File: Rediscovery in Progress.’’American
Photo3 (May June 1992).
Armstrong, Carol. ‘‘From Clementiana to Ka ̈sebier: the
Photographic Attainment of the ‘Lady Amateur.’’’Octo-
ber91 (Winter 2000).
Bayley, R. Child. ‘‘A Visit to Mrs. Ka ̈sebier’s Studio.’’
Wilson’s Photographic Magazine40 (February 1903).
Caffin,ChadesH.‘‘GertrudeKa ̈sebier and the Artistic Com-
mercial Portrait.’’ InPhotography as a Fine Art, 1903.
‘‘Mrs. Ka ̈sebier and the Artistic-Commercial Portrait.’’
Everybody’s Magazine4 (May 1901).
‘‘Mrs. Ka ̈sebier’s Work—An Appreciation.’’Camera Work
1 (January 1903).
Cleland O’Mara, Jane. ‘‘Gertrude Ka ̈sebier: The First Pro-
fessional Woman Photographer 1852–1934.’’The Fem-
inist Art Journal(Winter 1974–1975).
Dow, Arthur W. ‘‘Mrs. Gertrude Ka ̈sebier’s Portrait
Photographs—From a Painter’s Point of View.’’Camera
Notes3 (July 1899).
Edgerton, Giles (pseud. Mary Fanton Roberts). ‘‘Photogra-
phy as an Emotional Art: A Study of the Work of
Gertrude Ka ̈sebier.’’The Craftsman12 (April l907).
Green, Rayna. ‘‘Gertrude Ka ̈sebier’s ‘Indian’ Photographs:
More Than Meets the Eye.’’History of Photography 24
(Spring 2000).
Holm, Ed. ‘‘Gertrude Ka ̈sebier’s Indian Portraits.’’The
American West10 (July 1973).
Johnston, Frances Benjamin. ‘‘Gertrude Ka ̈sebier, Profes-
sional Photographer.’’Camera.
———. ‘‘Gertrude Ka ̈sebier.’’Camera Work20 (October
———. ‘‘Mrs. Ka ̈sebier.’’American Amateur Photographer
15 (February 1903).
———. ‘‘Mrs. Ka ̈sebier’s Prints.’’Camera Notes3 (July 1899).
Lohmann, Helen. ‘‘Gertrude Ka ̈sebier—Photographer.’’
Abel’s Photographic Weekly3 (20 February 1909).
———. ‘‘Rediscovering Gertrude Ka ̈sebier.’’ Image 19
(Summer 1976).
Tighe, Mary Anne. ‘‘Gertrude Ka ̈sebier Lost and Found.’’
Art in America65 (March 1977).
‘‘Gertrude Stanton Ka ̈sebier.’’ In Notable American
Women, 1607–1950, vol. 2. Cambridge, MA: 1971.
Michaels, Barbara L.Gertrude Ka ̈sebier. The Photographer
and Her Photographs. New York: Harry N. Abrams, 1992.
Photography. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of
Art/The Viking Press, 1978.

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