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Heartney, Eleanor.Critical Condition: American Culture at
the Crossroads. Cambridge, England: Cambridge Uni-
versity Press, 1997.
Krauss, Rosalind.The Originality of the Avant-Garde and
Other Modernist Myths. Cambridge, Massachusetts:
MIT Press, 1986.

Nagy, Peter, moderator. ‘‘From Criticism to Complicity [a
discussion with Sherrie Levine, Peter Halley, Jeff Koons,
Haim Steinbach, Ashley Bickerton, Philip Taaffe],’’
Flash Art, Summer 1986, 129.
Owens, Craig.Beyond Recognition: Representation, Power,
and Culture. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1994.

Barbara Kruger, Untitled (your body is a battleground), 1989, photographic silk on vinyl,
112  11200.
[BARBARA KRUGER, ‘‘Untitled’’ (Your body is a battleground), 112^00 by 112^00 , photographic
silkscreen’vinyl, 1989,#Barbara Kruger. Collection: The Broad Art Foundation, Santa Monica.
Courtesy: Mary Boone Gallery, New York]


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