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the Carpenter Center for the Visual Arts at Harvard
University, where he is currently a Professor of
Visual and Environmental Studies.


Seealso:Berger, John; Documentary Photography


Born in Douglas, Isle of Man 1946. Self taught in photo-
graphy but moved to London to become an assistant to
photographer Adrian Flowers 1963–1965. Works as
freelance assistant in London 1965–1969; returns to the
Isle of Man to work as photographer 1969–1971. Works
as photographer in England 1972–1976; commissioned
to photograph two cities by the Arts Council of Great
Britain for the exhibition ‘‘Two Views-Two Cities’’ 1972;
Receives Arts Council of Great Britain Photography
Award 1973–1974; Northern Arts Photography Fellow-
ship 1975–1976. Founder member and exhibition cura-
tor and advisor Side Gallery, Newcastle-Upon-Tyne,
England 1976–1984; becomes member of Photography
Committee, Arts Council of Great Britain 1977–1979;
receives Arts Council of Great Britain Major Bursary
Award 1977. Director, Side Gallery, Newcastle-Upon-
Tyne, England 1977–1979; Photographic Consultant,
London Review of Books, 1979–1981. Commissioned by
London Review of Books for cover portraits 1980–1987;
Photographs throughout north-east of England 1980–
1991; Commissioned by Pirelli Ltd. to photograph work-
force for exhibition ‘Working at Pirelli’ 1989; Henri
Cartier-Bresson Award, Paris 1989. Visiting Lecturer,
Department of Visual and Environmental Studies, Har-
vard University, Cambridge Massachusetts USA 1991–
1993; Honorary Master of Arts, Harvard University
1994; Professor, Chairman Department of Visual and
Environmental Studies 1994–1998; Director, Carpenter
Centre for Visual Arts, Harvard University 1994–1998;
Professor, Department of Visual and Environmental
Studies 1998–present.

Individual Exhibitions

1973 Two Views-Two Cities; Huddersfield City Art Gallery,
Bury St. Edmunds Art Gallery, England, and travelling
1977 North-East of England; Side Gallery, Newcastle-Upon-
Tyne; and tour of Northern Arts region
1980 Isle of Man; Side Gallery, Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, Eng-
land, and travelling
1983 Askam and Skinningrove; Side Gallery, Newcastle-
Upon-Tyne, England, and tour of Northern Arts region
1984 Seacoal; Side Gallery, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Eng-
land, and tour of Northern Arts region
1984 Chris Killip; Photo Gallery, Johannesburg, South Africa
1985 Another Country; (with Graham Smith), Serpentine
Gallery, London England, and travelling.
1986 Chris Killip; Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois
1988 On The Edge Of The City; (with the painter Ken
Currie), Manchester City Art Gallery, England
1988 In Flagrante; Victoria and Albert Museum, London,
England, and travelling
1989 Chris Killip; Fotografiska Museet, Stockholm, Sweden

1990 Working at Pirelli; Victoria and Albert Museum, Lon-
don, England
1991 Chris Killip Retrospective; Palais de Tokyo, Paris, France
1996 The Last Art Show; Bede Gallery, Jarrow, England
1997 Chris Killip: Photographs, 1971–1996;ManxMuseum,
Douglas, Isle of Man
2000 Chris Killip, 60 Photographs; The Old Post Office,
Berlin, Germany

Group Exhibitions
1972 Four Young Photographers; Photographers’ Gallery,
London, England
1978 Personal Views 1860–1977; British Council Touring
1980 From Object to Object; Arts Council of Great Britain
touring exhibition
1981 Old and Modern Masters of Photography; Victoria and
Albert Museum, London, England
1982 Strategies—Recent Developments in British Photogra-
phy; John Hansard Gallery, Southampton, England
1982 The Sea Project; Photographers’ Gallery, London,
1982 Lichbildnisse: Das Portra ̈t; Rheinischeslandes Museum,
Bonn, Germany
1983 International Photography Festival; Malmo ̈, Sweden
1985 British Eyes; Centre Nationale de la Photographie,
Paris, France
1985 Human Interests: Fifty Years of British Art About
People; Cornerhouse, Manchester, England
1985 The Miner’s World: Miners in Photography and Litera-
ture; The Midland Group, Nottingham. Impressions
Gallery, York; and D.L.I. Museum, Durham, England
1986 British Contemporary Photography: Coming of Age;
FotoFest, Houston, Texas
1987 Photoworks from Great Britain; Forum Stadtpark,
Graz, Austria
1987 Three British Photographers; Consejo Mexicano de
Fotografia, Mexico City, Mexico
1987–1998Towards A Bigger Picture; Victoria and Albert
Museum; Tate Gallery, Liverpool, England
1988 Britische Sicht! Fotografie aus England; Museum fu ̈r
Gestaltung, Zu ̈rich, Switzerland
1988 Matter of Facts: Photographie Art Contemporain en
Grande Bretagne; Muse ́e des Beaux Arts, Nantes and
Muse ́e d’Art Moderne, Saint-Etiennes; Caves Sainte
Croix, Metz, France
1989 The Art of Photography 1839–1989; Museum of Fine
Art, Houston, Texas; Australian National Gallery, Can-
berra, Australia, and travelling
1989 Photography Until Now; Museum of Modern Art, New
York, New York and Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleve-
land, Ohio
1989 Through the Looking Glass: Photographic Art in Brit-
ain 1945–198; Barbican Art Gallery, London, England
1990 British Photography from The Thatcher Years;
Museum of Modern Art, New York, New York
1990 Arbete Pa ̊ga ̊r; Hasselblad Center, Go ̈teborg, Sweden
1991–1992Shocks to the System; Royal Festival Hall, Lon-
don, England, and travelling
1993 Encontros de Fotografia; Coimbra, Portugal
1994 Documentary Dilemmas; British Council, European
Touring Exhibition


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