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sota, and traveled to The Photographers’ Gallery, Lon-
don, England
1997 Jerome Liebling Photographs; Konica Plaza, Sapporo,
1998 Jerome Liebling: Photographs of New York City 1947–
1997 ; Sidney Mishkin Gallery, Baruch College, New
York, New York
2001 Jerome Liebling Photographs: Locally Grown; Mead
Art Museum, Amherst College, Amherst, Massachusetts
Photographs from ‘‘The Dickinsons of Amherst’’;
Mount Holyoke College Art Museum, South Hadley,

Group Exhibitions

1960 Photography at Mid-Century; George Eastman House,
Rochester, New York
1961 Faces and Facades: Photographs of the Gateway Area
by Jerome Liebling and Robert Wilcox; University Gal-
lery, Northrop Memorial Auditorium, University of
Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota
1962 American Invitational Photography Exhibition; DeCor-
dova and Dana Museum, Lincoln, Massachusetts

1963 Five Unrelated Photographers; Museum of Modern
Art, New York, New York
1966 Photography Invitational; Sheldon Memorial Art Gal-
lery, Lincoln, Nebraska
1967 The Camera As Witness; International Exhibition of
Photography, Expo 67, Montreal, Quebec
1968 Contemporary Photographs: An exhibition of contem-
porary photographers for purchase by the U.C.L.A. Art
Gallery; U.C.L.A. Art Gallery, Los Angeles, California
Current Trends in Photographs; Scudder Gallery, Uni-
versity of New Hampshire, Durham, New Hampshire
1976 Contemporary Photography; Fogg Art Museum, Cam-
bridge, Massachusetts
1978 Mirrors and Windows: American Photography Since
1960. Museum of Modern Art, New York, New York
Photographs from the Collection of Sam Wagstaff;
Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.
14 New England Photographers; Museum of Fine Arts,
Boston, Massachusetts
Photographic Crossroads: The Photo League; Interna-
tional Center of Photography, New York, New York,
and traveled to Minneapolis Institute of Arts, Minnea-
polis, Minnesota

Jerome Liebling, Morning, Monessen, Pennsylvania, 1988.
[Courtesy of the artist]

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