Ultimate Grimoire and Spellbook

(backadmin) #1
Hin leske máy yakhá,
Hin leske máy páña!"

"Who is within, let him come out!
Three Urme call him,
Three Urme drive him
Into the egg-shell house,
There he lives in the house
He has much fire,
He has much water!"

Then half the shell of the egg of the black hen is thrown into a running
stream and the other half into a fire.


The following is the remedy for the so-called Würmer, or worms, i.e.,
external sores. Before sunrise wolf's milk (Wolfsmilch, rukeskro tçud) is
collected, mixed with salt, garlic, and water, put into a pot, and boiled down
to a brew. With a part of this the afflicted spot is rubbed, the rest is thrown
into a brook, with the words:--

"Kirmora jánen ándre tçud
Andrál tçud, andré sir
Andrál sir, andré páñi,
Panensá kiyá dádeske,
Kiyá Niváseske
Pçandel tumen shelchá
Eñávárdesh teñá!"

"Worms go in the milk,
From the milk into the garlic,
From the garlic into the water,
With the water to (your) father,
To the Nivasi,
He shall bind you with a rope,
Ninety-nine (yards long)."

A common cure of worms in swine among the Transylvanian tent-
gypsies is to stand ere the sun rises before a çadcerli, or nettle, and while
pouring on it the urine of the animal to be cured, repeat:--

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