Ultimate Grimoire and Spellbook

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(Fraxinus excelsior), too, is a lightning plant, and, according to an old

"Avoid an ash,
It counts the flash."

Another tree held sacred to Thor was the hazel (Corylus avellana),
which, like the mountain-ash, was considered an actual embodiment of
the lightning. Indeed, "so deep was the faith of the people in the relation
of this tree to the thunder god," says Mr. Conway,[5] "that the Catholics
adopted and sanctioned it by a legend one may hear in Bavaria, that on
their flight into Egypt the Holy Family took refuge under it from a
Its supposed immunity from all damage by lightning has long caused
special reverence to be attached to it, and given rise to sundry
superstitious usages. Thus, in Germany, a twig is cut by the farm-
labourer, in spring, and on the first thunderstorm a cross is made with it
over every heap of grain, whereby, it is supposed, the corn will remain
good for many years. Occasionally, too, one may see hazel twigs placed
in the window frames during a heavy shower, and the Tyroleans regard
it as an excellent lightning conductor. As a promoter of fruitfulness it has
long been held in high repute--a character which it probably derived
from its mythic associations--and hence the important part it plays in
love divinations. According to a Bohemian belief, the presence of a large
number of hazel-nuts betokens the birth of many illegitimate children;
and in the Black Forest it is customary for the leader of a marriage
procession to carry a hazel wand. For the same reason, in many parts of
Germany, a few nuts are mingled with the seed corn to insure its being
prolific. But leaving the hazel with its host of superstitions, we may
notice the white-thorn, which according to Aryan tradition was also
originally sprung from the lightning. Hence it has acquired a wide
reverence, and been invested with supernatural properties. Like, too, the
hazel, it was associated with marriage rites. Thus the Grecian bride was
and is still decked with its blossoms, whereas its wood formed the torch
which lighted the Roman bridal couple to their nuptial chamber on the
wedding day. It is evident, therefore, that the white-thorn was
considered a sacred tree long before Christian tradition identified it as
forming the Crown of Thorns; a medieval belief which further enhanced
the sanctity attached to it. It is not surprising, therefore, that the Irish
consider it unlucky to cut down this holy tree, especially as it is said to
be under the protection of the fairies, who resent any injury done to it. A
legend current in county Donegal, for instance, tells us how a fairy had
tried to steal one Joe M'Donough's baby, but the poor mother argued that
she had never affronted the fairy tribe to her knowledge. The only cause

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