Ultimate Grimoire and Spellbook

(backadmin) #1

The peasants affirm that the charm never fails in success, and the belief
in its miraculous powers is so widespread that people from the most distant
parts of Ireland send to Currahmore to borrow it. Even to this day the faith
in its magic power continues unabated, and requests for the loan come from
every quarter. The Marquis of Waterford leaves it in the care of his steward,
and it is freely lent to all coiners; but to the credit of the people it may be
noted, that the magic crystal is always brought back to Currahmore with the
most scrupulous care.*

  • Extract from a letter by the Marchioness of Waterford, on the Currahmore


Should a person be bewitched by an evil neighbour, he must take two
black cocks, lay a charm over the head of one and let it loose; but the other
must be boiled down, feathers and all, and eaten. Then the malice of the
neighbour will have no effect on him or his.
Ancient Egypt and Greece had likewise superstitions on the subject of
sacrificing a cock. Even the last words of Socrates had reference to this
subject. It is remarkable also that in the Christian legend it was a cock that
testified indignantly by his crowing against Peter's treachery and cowardice,
and aroused in him the remorse that was evidenced by his tears.


It is on Fridays that the fairies have the most power to work evil;
therefore Friday is an unlucky day to begin work, or to go on a journey, or
to have a wedding; for the spirits are then present everywhere, and hear and
see everything that is going on, and will mar and spoil all they can, just out
of malice and jealousy of the mortal race.
It is then they strike cattle with their elfin sorrows, lame a horse, steal the
milk, and carry off the handsome children, an ugly changeling in exchange,
who is soon known to fairy sprite by its voracious appetite, without iany
natural increase in growth.
This superstition makes the peasant-women often very crueI towards
weakly children; and the trial by fire is sometimes resorted to in order to test
the nature of the child who is suspected of being a changeling. For this
purpose a fairy woman is usually sent for, who makes a drink for the little
patient of certain herbs of whose power she alone has the secret knowledge,
and a childless woman is considered the best to make the potion. Should

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