Ultimate Grimoire and Spellbook

(backadmin) #1
Se questa grazia tu mi farai,
Nel tempo che balliamo,
Il lume spengnerai,
Cosi al l'amore
Liberamente la faremo!

Conjuration of Diana.

I do not bake the bread, nor with it salt,
Nor do I cook the honey with the wine,
I bake the body and the blood and soul,
The soul of (great) Diana, that she shall
Know neither rest nor peace, and ever be
In cruel suffering till she will grant
What I request, what I do most desire,
I beg it of her from my very heart!
And if the grace be granted, O Diana!
In honour of thee I will hold this feast,
Feast and drain the goblet deep,
We, will dance and wildly leap,
And if thou grant'st the grace which I require,
Then when the dance is wildest, all the lamps
Shall be extinguished and we'll freely love!

And thus shall it be done: all shall sit down to the supper all naked, men
and women, and, the feast over, they shall dance, sing, make music, and
then love in the darkness, with all the lights extinguished: for it is the Spirit
of Diana who extinguishes them, and so they will dance and make music in
her praise.
And it came to pass that Diana, after her daughter had accomplished her
mission or spent her time on earth among the living (mortals), recalled her,
and gave her the power that when she had been invoked... having done
some good deed... she gave her the power to gratify those who had conjured
her by granting her or him success in love:

To bless or curse with power friends or enemies [to do good or evil].

To converse with spirits.

To find hidden treasures in ancient ruins.

To conjure the spirits of priests who died leaving treasures.

To understand the voice of the wind.
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