The New Typography

(Elle) #1

contrast of plastic photographs against an area of dead white or colour.
This effect could never have been achieved by drawing or painting. The
possibilities of contrast in size and shape, in closeness and distance of
objects represented, and in flat or three-dimensional form. allow infinite
variations in this art-form. making it highly suitable for thoughtful advertis­
ing. It is only rarely that a "work of art" will emerge through the balance
achieved by relating each individual part to equilibrium in the whole
because the restrictions imposed by the necessary logical consistency of
the whole. the logic of size. the given type. etc. can be very inhibiting. In
any case the commercial artist's job is not to create a work of art but a
good advertisement. It may, or may not. be both. In the field of advertising
photomontage. among the best examples are the Malik book-bindings by

Jacket of a folder for
leaflets. Silver back­
ground, white lettering
on red. Photomontage:
reproductions of typical
products of the Bochum
Association. Format

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