The New Typography

(Elle) #1

advance in regulating format sizes. Ostwald likewise proceeded from the
Lichtenbergian principle of constant ratio but depended on measuring in
centimetres. The proposed "World-formats," to be adopted worldwide. did
not however win many friends; probably because the main format 230x320
mm (letterheads) turned out to be rather unpractical. Neverth eless the
work of "Die Brlicke," whose work was interrupted by the war. had the very
great merit of making people think. The publications of "Die Brlicke" are
among the most interesting studies in this fiel6.
Soon after the war .the German Standards Committee introduced the met­
ric-based Dl N• 476 paper standardization system. It was evolved after
lengthy discussions involving government departments. business interests.
printers. and paper merchants and manufacturers. Government and indus­
try agreed that DIN formats were to be the basis fo r all questions of format.
The new DIN system has now for some time replaced the old "folio" system.
The old "quarto fo rmat" is also disappearing.
Dl N formats are being used not only in Germany but also in many other
European countries. Everyone concerned in the ordering or pr oduction of
print should now use only Dl N formats. which have the following advan­
tages. among others (from the book Formate und Vordrucke):
Paper ordering will be simpler and cheaper.
The storing of all printed matter will be easier and more practical.
Organization in the paper trade will be more sensible. and as the
manufacture of large quantities will now be easier, paper must
become cheaper.
Paper ordering will be easier.
DIN formats allow simultaneous printing in dif ferent sizes. leading to
better use of machine time - also a saving of time and materials in
the composing and machine rooms. More productivity will be
achieved in the bindery owing to repetition of identical sheet sizes.
Unnecessary investment in seldom-used sizes will be avoided.
Fewer paper sizes will save space in stock rooms; attention to cus­
tomers will be speeded up.
Price lists will be simplified.

The specification sheets of 0 IN 476 and 198 follow. w1th the approval of the German Standards
Committee (01 N). The latest authoritative Standard publications are obtainable from Beuthverlag,
Berlin S14. Dresdener Strasse 97.

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