The New Typography

(Elle) #1

For the standard letter s1ze A4. the envelope s1ze is 01 N C6. Besides this
ma,n s•ze other s1zes are 1n use. for var1ous reasons. to be seen in Standard
678 (see reoroduct1ons on the following pages).
Accc r d,ng to the latest Post Off1ce rules. the f1rm's address. and advertis­
Ing matter. may be placed only on the left-hand third of the front. and on
the back. however a margm of not less than 2'/, em must be left at
the teo. It 1S recommended that about 3 em be left free on the top margin
on the front. 1n whatever s1ze of envelope. to avoid the postmark obliterat­
Ing any of the pr1nt. Stamps (including franking) and address should be
1nccrporated in the typographic design since that is how the addressee
rece,,es 1t. It is therefore des1rable to stick a stamp down on the layout.
0-Jr reproductions show two good examples of typographically des1gned
en,e'ooes. The envelope by Piet Zwart conforms to German Post Office
rules exce:Jt for the recommended but not obligatory 3 em clear strip at the
too: 1t 1S a f1ne example of an envelope in C 6 format. The envelope for
Gerasch. because the des1gn extends over half the front. admittedly does
not conform to present Post Office rules. but is included here only as an
examo!e of design in general.
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PIET ZWART: Envelope with designer's device (reduced). Black and red on grey.
Format C6 (114x162).
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