The New Typography

(Elle) #1

The business ca rd fo rmat is A? (74xl 05 mm). If business cards were not as
fo rm erly in completely ra ndom sizes. but in this uniform and suitable size.
with a catchword heading for filing (see scheme). then the arrangement of
an address file - in either alphabetic, subject, or geographical order­
would be made possible, and unlike the present lack of system could eas­
ily be kept in perfect order. with additions or deletions as needed.
A norm for business cards does not yet exist. It is recommended that
besides being made in the uniform size already mentioned. all cards should
have headings as in this example:



.... I


Name (,Vorname) Beruf
oder Erzeugnis

Size (in mm) and plan for the headings of a business card.



The space beneath the rule is fo r remaining information: the full name of firm. town (and street)
telegraphic address, telephone. business hours, bank, list of products, trademarks. agents. etc.

Good solutions of every kind, even in the old-fashioned centred typogra­
phy, must use the specified fo rmat and headings. The business card
"werbe-bau" shows that the required format and headings need not spoil
the card's effectiveness.
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