The New Typography

(Elle) #1

Advertising slip (actual size). Black type on blue paper.

The graphic design of all advertising depends to a high degree on the
quality of the text. The writing of text should always be entrusted to an
expert: ad vertising today has become a science. which it is dangerous for
laymen to enter. A defective text can endanger the effectiveness of the
As regards the type, an effective and original typographic form must be
found. The advertising card for the Kubin Exhibition by Walter Dexel
shows the powerful effect which can be obtained from type alone. All sec­
ondary matter (rules etc.) has been excluded. It is in fact often necessary
to use such secondary matter to obtain a good result, but it must always
belong to the whole design and not be introduced like old ornamentation.
Bold borders. rules, points. etc. must be functional. The decorations
which are typical of old typography are always wrong. Rules used in the
New Typography are necessary when they provide contrast and empha­
size visual effect.
In the advertising slip by Kurt Schwitters. the verti cal black strip is most
necessary because it provides such a strong contrast to the horizontal
lines of type. In this design of contrasting directions, the difference

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