Since to this form of a book its type is particularly significant. one change,
namely the discarding of historical and historical-seeming typefaces. must
be striven for. While in all other areas there are signs of movement towards
modernization. our modern books on the contrary are still using the histor
ical forms of fraktur and roman.
The present universal and exaggerated obedience to the pre-1 914 watch
word "material quality!" has meant, among other things, that German books
are the most expensive in the world. So for someone of even average
income. the German book has become an almost unattainable luxury object.
It follows that we want today:
- a contempora�y (therefore not historical) typographic form;
- inexpensive books for people. not luxury books for snobs.
Concerning the letterform of the text typeface. one can refer to the section
in the present book that deals with this topic. But certainly one will be
thinking of a roman designed not by any one person: a classic typeface -
say Garamond - or a contemporary typeface such as Nordische Antiqua.
This will be so as long as one cannot get hold of a sanserif in quantities
that make its use as a text face possible. It is obviously not good to set a
whole book in bold or semi-bold sanserif. since these types in quantity are
not easily legible. For everyday use. light or ordinary sanserif should be
used, and the present book shows that sanserif can be read as easily as
any other typeface. For display, semi-bold and bold sanserif. Egyptians and
bold roman are the most suitable. The text of travel books or novels can
also be organized visually with larger and smaller bold sanserif for head
ings. The photographic block is being introduced into the book as a new
The Renaissance ideal - a book page of even grey - is finished; instead
we have harmony from contrasting typographic and photographic elements
using brightness. space. and direction. Contemporary bindings and book
jackets similarly show an increasing use of photography.
It is already clear today that a new form of book exists.
Book formats
The standard book formats on the facing page are not suitable for imagina
tive literature- for novels and similar books which are held in the hand for
reading, they are too wide and therefore uncomfortable- but they certainly
are for larger books. scientific works, catalogues in book form. handbooks
(the present book is in A5), and are also suitable for smaller books (A6).
The format A4 is very good for art books. monographs. etc.