This first publication of an English-language version of Jan Tschichold's Die
neue Typografie (1928) has attempted to follow the author's original page
layouts and design precepts as closely as possible. Aurora Grotesk. shown
in the Berthold Phototypes E1 catalog (1974), was identified as the type
face closest to that used in the original German edition; this typeface, how
ever. had not been digitized at the time the California edition was pro
duced. The text was set in 7. 75 lmagio Light Extended with 11.6 point lead
ing. The typeface was revised by extending its overall set widths by 112
percent; character spacing was expanded to a Quark XPress tracking value
of 16. Display fonts were set in Frutiger Ultra Black with a tracking value of
- Illustrations were scanned from the reprint issued by Brinkman & Bose
(Berlin: 1987), and from Leben und Werk des Typographen Jan Ts chJchold
(Munich: G. K. Saur. 1988). Paper and binding materials were selected to
approximate those used in the Brinkmann & Bose edition. Sponsoring Editor:
Edward Dimendberg. University of California Press. Los Angeles. Produc
tion Editor: Rebecca Frazier. University of California Press. Los Angeles.
Production Coordinator: Danette Davis. University of California Press.
Berkeley. Research and Design: Steve Renick, University of California
Press. Berkeley. Research and Composition: Hassan Herz. TBH Typecast,
Cotati, California. Image Scanning: ScanArt, Richmond, California. Printing
and Binding: Griffin Printing. Sacramento. California.