A fairly complete edition of Tschichold's writings has been published as
Schriften 1925-7974 (2 vols.; Berlin: Brinkmann & Bose, 1991-92); refer
ences to texts reprinted there are given as "Schriften."
- Walter BenJamin, Elnbahnstral!.e (Berl1n: Rowohlt. 1928), p. 7. The translation quoted here is
very slightly modified from Edmund Jephcott's in: Walter Benjamin. One-Way Street and Other
Wnt�ngs (London: NLB, 1979). p. 45.
- Except where noted, biographical informaf10n on Ts chichold is taken from the account written
by the subject h1mself: ":J an Ts ch1chold: Praeceptor Ty pograph1ae." This text was f�rst published
under the pseudonym "Reminiscor" 1n Typograph1sche Monatsblatter. val. 91, no. 4 (April 1 972).
on the occasion of Tschichold's seventieth birthday. It was re printed as the principal text in the
monograph whose content and design he determined. though it appeared after his death: Leben
und Werk des Typographen Jan Tsch1chold (Dresden: VEB Ve rlag der Kunst, 1977: [reset and
sl1ghtly altered ed1t1on] Munich: Saur, 1988: also Schnften 2:416-433).
- Leben und Werk des Typ ographen Jan Tsch1chold, p. 16 (Schriften 2:422). The large claim -
perhaps a true one - that Ts ch1chold was the first typographic designer is quite typical of the
tone of this anonymous autobiographical Festschrift essay.
- The book-artist (Emil Rudolf Weiss was a characteristic example) is slightingly referred to also
in Die neue Typ ographie. Throughout his career, against fi gures of that kind. Ts chichold worked
as the capable professional who knew his job in all its details
- "Er kam aufgewuhlt zuruck": he came back all churned up (Leben und Werk des
Typographen Jan Tschichold. p. 17: Schriften 2:423).
- See Edith Ts ch1chold"s contribution to Phil1pp Luidl, ed .. J. T (Mumch: Ty pographische
Gesellschaft. 1976), pp. 29-33. Ts ch1chold"s first letter to LISSitzky, 19 January 1925 (reproduced
in fa csimile as a loose insert in this book). explained: "Herr Moholy-Nagy knows me very well and
has given me your address. I am the only typographic Constructivist in Leipzig."
- Ed1th Ts c h1chold explamed the changes 1n the names of her (then) late husband in her contn
bution to Luidl. J. T When later "lwan" proved to be an irritant to the conservative sensibilities of
his colleagues and employers at Munich. Tschichold chose ''J an." as the Slav fo rm of ''Johannes."
In his contribution to the same book. Werner Doede quoted a letter to him from Ts chichold:
... .. now 'J an· instead of 'Ivan.' since Munich! 'Ivan· IS impossible here!" (5 June 1926). These
changes and their significance were noted at the time by Ts chichold's teacher at Dresden,
Heinrich Wieynck. in his percept1ve review of D1e neue Typographie in Gebrauchsgraph1k (see
note 16).
- See. for example. the discussion of the Japanese newspaper in this book (p. 206). with its
side-blow agamst "North American pseudo-culture." Unlike some of the Weimar modernists.
Ts chichold showed no ro mantic longings for America.
- This has been reprinted tw1ce. most accessibly by the printers and publishers H. Schmidt
(Munich. 19 86). element are typograph1e was qUite long 1n preparat1on: at Easter 1925,
Ts ch1chold wrote to lmre Kner that publication had been delayed until July (letter dated
"Pfingsten 1925" 1n the Bekes County Arch1ve. Gyula, Hungary).
- Ts c h1chold himself suggested this in a letter to Piet Zwart. 31 August 1927 (Getty Center
Archives. Santa Monica: file 8508 31).
10. See the account by Fnedrich Friedl in his introductory text to the 1986 reprint.
11. References m correspondence from this time suggest that relations between Renner and
Ts c hichold were qu1te distant and diff1cult. For example. Tschichold adv1sed Piet Zwart to send
examples of work to him rather than to Renner. adding "Renner still doesn't know who you are.
And he is someone who has changed sides [ein Uberliwfer]" (14 December 1927, Getty Center
Arch1ves. Santa Monica: fi le 8508 31). Ed1th Ts ch1chold descnbed Jan Ts c h1chold's years in
Munich. including the situation at the Meisterschule. in an interview published in: Deutscher
Werkbund, 01e zwanZ!ger Jahre des Oeutschen Werkbunds (G1eBen: Anabas. 1 982). pp. 1 83-192.