The New Typography

(Elle) #1
work fo r the publisher Btrkhauser (from 1941). led on to his celebrated reform at Penguin Books
(1 947-1 949)_ For an account of the latter. includmg re productton of the Pen gum compos•t•on
rules. see Ruaro Mclean. Jan Tsch,chold Typ ographer (London· Lund Humphroes. 1975). pp

  1. LegtslatiOn that deterred the settlement of refugees from the occupted countnes was enacted
    in Swttzerland. whtch tended to be a trans•t zone for them See: Helmut F. Pfanner. "The Role of
    Swttzerland for the Refugees ... m: Jarrell C
    Jackman and Carla M Borden. eds .. The Muses Flee
    H1tler (Washtngton. D.C .. Smtthsontan lnstttutton Press. 1983). pp. 235-248. Max Fnsch's remi­
    niscences ("Jan Ts chtchold als Nachbar") m Lu•dl. IT. pp
    81-85. gtve an impresston of the older.
    Swiss Ts chtchold.

  2. Thts IS one of the suggesttons made by G. Wlllem Ov1nk 1n his thorough and perceptive arti­
    cle "J an Ts chtchold 1902-74: Versuch zu einer Bdanz setnes Schaffens." Quaerendo B. no_ 3
    (Summer 1978): 187-220.

  3. It was around 1937 that Tschtchold began to gtve away or sell hts collectton of moderntst
    typography, whtch would have come to h1m partly through work on books such as D1e neue
    Typograph1e_ (Bruno Monguzz1 observes th1s in the course of hts mettculous tnvesttgatton. "Ptet
    Zwart: L"opera t1pograf1ca 1923-1 933." Rassegna. no 30 [June 198 7}: 4-88: seep 9. note 35.)
    But if there were emottonal reasons for Tschtchold to shed this matertal then. there may have
    been ft nancial pressures too. Among mstttuttons to acquire such work from h1m then were the
    Museum of Modern Art (New Yo rk) and the V1ctoroa and Albert Museum (London).

  4. Max Bill. ·· uber typograf1e." Schwe1zer Graph1sche Mme1lungen 65. no 4 (Aprol 1946):
    193-200: Jan Ts chtchold. "Giaube u n d Wtrkltchke•t." Schwe1zer Graph1sche M1tteJ!ungen 65. no 6
    (June 1946): 233-242: an Engl1sh translat1on of Ts c h1chold"s text 1S g1ven. as ··se11ef and Real1ty. "
    in Mclean. Jan TschJchold.· Typographer. pp
    131-1 39_ Bill's statement 1S a mamfesto for h1s own
    typography. as well as an attack on Ts c h1chold (whom he does not name).

  5. Ts c h1chold. ·· Giaube und W�ekl1chke1t." p. 234

  6. ·· zur Ty pograph1e der Gegenwart." 86rsenblatt fur den deutschen Buchhandel 13 (1 957):
    1487-1490_ Ts chtchold's arttcle appears to have sttmulated a spectal 1ssue of Typograph1Sche
    Monatsblatter (vol. 78. no. 617 [June/July 1959]). w1th controbut1ons from most of the leadmg
    Swtss ty pographers of that t1me. mcludmg a potnt-by-point response by Emil Ruder. which used
    the t1tle of Ts ch1chold"s origmal art1cle (pp. 363-37 1).

  7. W1eynck ... D1e Wandlungen des Johannes." p. 79.

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