The New Typography

(Elle) #1

Aldus Manutius was the first to recognize that printed books had a charac­
ter of their own and were d1fferent from manuscnpts Aldus can therefore
be seen as the beginner of the new typographiC age in book design:
Gutenberg by comparison was more the 1m1tator of med1eval manuscripts.
In the Renaissance and the Baroque and Rococo periods denvmg from 1t.
the types corresponding to the two gothic faces (textura and Schwabacher)
were the so-called Medievai-Antiqua (roman) and the curs1ve (1tal1c)
developed by Aldus from a cursive vers1on of the roman

In Germany at the begmning of the 16th century. Vinzenz Rockner. the
emperor Max1mi11an's pr1vate secretary. developed from the textura face a
German Renaissance type: fraktur_ It 1S a part1ally successful attempt. 1n the
context of the Renaissance. to give the clumsy gothic letters some of the
fluency and elegance of the new form-world. Just as the latest German
Gothic. by-passing the true Renaissance. led to Baroque. indeed almost

German title-page.
Black and red.

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