3.1 Basics of Geometry
Points, Lines and Planes
- Understand the undefined termspoint, line and plane.
- Understand defined terms, includingspace, segment and ray.
- Identify and apply basic postulates of points, lines and planes.
- Draw and label terms in a diagram
- Use the painting on this website.
- http://www.nationalgalleries.org/media_collection/6/GMA 1279.jpg
- You can print it out or have students look at it on the computer.
- One way to use this painting is to have students work in small groups to identify the points, lines, planes,
segments and rays in the painting. - You could also use it as a spring board for the students to create their own black, white and gray piece of art
that contains points, lines, planes, segments and rays. - You could even pair this up with the art teacher to really incorporate other disciplines into the mathematics
- One way to integrate technology is to use a drawing/painting program and have the students work to design
their own artwork on the computer. - This could take several days, so be sure that you have access to the computers.
- In the end, the students could present their material to the other students in the class and explain the geometric
properties of their work.
- When looking at student work, you want to include creativity in your assessment, but also look at the
mathematics incorporated. - Did the student include all of the geometric elements?
- Is the student able to describe the different elements to his/her peers?
- Has the work been completed with care?
- Offer feedback/correction as needed.
Segments and Distance
Chapter 3. Geometry TE - Enrichment