- Read and understand given problem situations
- Use multiple representations to restate problem situations
- Identify problem- solving plans
- Solve real- world problems using planning strategies
- In this chapter, students have been working with all of the basics of geometry.
- Now they are going to be combining these ideas to create their own word problem.
- Students can use magazine pictures, clip art or other pictures in their problem.
- Have the students work in pairs or small groups to design a word problem that uses some or all of the following
concepts: lines, angles, triangles, polygons. - Students should demonstrate an answer key where students use the problem solving techniques from the
chapter to solve the problem. - This may seem to be too broad an activity.
- If so, you can give the students a topic to write their problems about such as sports.
- Then all of the problems that the students write will have to do with the topic of sports.
- Collect all student problems and answers when finished.
- Use the following website and have the students watch the video and geometry and dance.
- http://www.thefutureschannel.com/dockets/realworld/dancing/
- Use this as a discussion starting point.
- Then you could show students a short clip from The Nutcracker (you will need to prep this ahead of time).
- Ask the students to use the concepts from the first movie clip and apply it to the dancing in the Nutcracker.
- This can be a fun way of showing how math is in places where you least expect it.
- Collect student problems and answers.
- Check all work for accuracy.
- Provide students with feedback/correction.
- You can use these problems as quiz questions or extra credit work.
Chapter 3. Geometry TE - Enrichment