- UsethefollowingimagefromWikipedia.
- ThisisFigure03.06.01
- http://www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parallel_bars
- Usethisimageasadiscussionpointaboutperpendicularlinesofthegymnastandthehighbar.
- Oneofthewaysthatgymnastsarescoredisontheirabilitytoreachaperfectlyperpendicularpoint.
- Thisisthebasisforthediscussion.
- Askthestudentstoidentifyalinearpairofangles.
- Alsoaskthestudentstofindtheanglesformedbytheperpendicularlines.
- Beginthisconversationasaspringboardtoextendintothetechnologyintegration.
III. Technology Integration
- Have students continue to search gymnastics through Wikipedia.
- There are several different examples of angles and geometric components of gymnastics.
- Ask the students to make a list of the ways that geometry is integrated into gymnastics.
- Allow time for a class discussion.
- Assess student understanding through discussion.
- Ask the students to point out different examples of geometric terms as they are illustrated in gymnastics.
- Then participate with the students during discussion.
Perpendicular Transversals
- Identify the implications of perpendicular transversals on parallel lines.
- Identify the converse theorems involving perpendicular transversals and parallel lines.
- Understand and use the distance between parallel lines.
- For this activity, download the map of the main terminal from the following website for the Atlanta Interna-
tional Airport. - Use this website, and consider this Figure 03.07.01
- http://www.atlanta-airport.com/forms/passenger/frmPassengerInformation_terminallayout.aspx
- Then use this map to show the main terminal and each of the concourses A- E at the bottom of the map to
show a perpendicular transversal and the angles formed by the perpendicular transversal. - Have the students explore the rest of the map and discover ways that the perpendicular transversals are
represented in the other places on the map. - Allow students to discuss this in small groups first.
- Then bring the students back together and have them share in a large group.
- Have the students google perpendicular transversals.
Chapter 3. Geometry TE - Enrichment