Geometry, Teacher\'s Edition

(Axel Boer) #1

3.4 Congruent Triangles

Triangle Sums


  • Identify interior and exterior angles in a triangle.

  • Understand and apply the Triangle Sum Theorem.

  • Utilize the complementary relationship of acute angles in a right triangle.

  • Identify the relationship of the exterior angles in a triangle.


  • Have students examine the triangles in the image from Wikipedia.

  • This is Figure 04.01.01.


  • Ask students what they notice about the number of triangles that are in the hang glider.

  • Then have the students identify all of the different angles of the triangles, also include the interior and exterior

  • There are angles created by the strings too.

  • Complete this as a whole class discussion.


  • Have students complete a google search on triangles in nature.

  • There they will find hundreds of different images of how triangles are found in nature.

  • Ask the students to look for triangles and assign them the task of finding a real example of triangles in nature.

  • Have students bring in these examples the next day and show them to the class.


  • This class is a discussion class.

  • You want the students to see the connection between the different angles of the triangles both interior and

  • Although it is not directly mentioned, you can draw students back to the Triangle Sum Theorem and explain
    how the measurement of the angles still equal 180◦.

  • Also make note of any congruent triangles and why they are important to the hang glider being able to fly.

  • If the top sails weren’t congruent, what would happen then?

Congruent Figures


Chapter 3. Geometry TE - Enrichment
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