- Determine relationships among the angles and sides of a triangle.
- Apply the Triangle Inequality Theorem to solve problems.
- In this activity, you are going to design a sculpture using triangles.
- You want to show that your triangles represent an inequality.
- To do this, you will need to design your sculpture before building it.
- This design should have measurements and demonstrate an inequality.
- When finished with the design, students can use clay to build their triangles.
- Have tools available to work with.
- When finished, have students write a short explanation of their sculpture, what they designed, how it was
created and how it demonstrates the concept of an inequality.
- Have the students research triangular sculptures.
- There are so many different sites to select and sculptures to see.
- Students need to select one triangle sculpture that they appreciate.
- Then there is a writing piece to this assignment.
- Students need to write about why they selected the piece and to use principles already learned to describe it.
- What kind of triangle(s) are in the sculpture?
- Is it in three- dimensions or two?
- Are there congruent triangles involved?
- How can you determine congruence?
- Assess student designs and sculptures.
- Does the design and the sculpture match up?
- Does the sculpture represent an inequality?
- Is student writing clear?
- Does the student have an understanding of the concept of triangle inequalities?
- Provide students with feedback/notes.
Inequalities in Two Triangles
- Determine relationships among the angles and sides of two triangles.
- Apply the SAS and SSS Triangle Inequality Theorems to solve problems.
- Use the concept of gable windows during this lesson.
- Students can use the two Theorems to determine the relationship between triangles in gable windows.
- Use the following image. This is Figure 05.07.01.
- http://www.loghomebuilders.org/files/images/log-home-bham-gable-windows.preview.jpg
- Have students work in small groups.
3.5. Relationships Within Triangles