Geometry, Teacher\'s Edition

(Axel Boer) #1

  • Then have the students do a search and choose a pyramid.

  • Students are going to use the dimensions of this pyramid to build a model.


  • Assess student work through discussion and observation.

  • Do the students understand who Thales was and the significance of his discovery?

  • Is the student model to scale?

  • Were the students able to come up with a way to test Thales’ findings?

  • What are students sharing about this assignment?

  • Is higher level thinking involved?

  • Provide students with feedback as needed.

Similarity by SSS and SAS


  • Use SSS and SAS to determine whether triangles are similar.

  • Apply SSS and SAS to solve problems about similar triangles.


  • In this activity, students need to create a poem, song or story that explains the three ways to figure out if two
    triangles are similar.

  • The first is AA- angle angle

  • The second is side- side- side.

  • The third is side- angle- side.

  • You can begin this lesson by reviewing the definitions of each and how to use them to figure out if two triangles
    are similar.

  • Then divide students into groups of three.

  • Have the groups work on their expression of figuring out if two triangles are similar.

  • When finished, allow time for the students to share their work.



  • Assess each group’s poem or story.

  • Does it explain how to figure out if triangles are similar?

  • Is each theorem well explained?

  • Provide students with feedback as needed.

Chapter 3. Geometry TE - Enrichment
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