Geometry, Teacher\'s Edition

(Axel Boer) #1

3.8 Right Triangle Trigonometry

The Pythagorean Theorem


  • Identify and employ the Pythagorean Theorem when working with right triangles.

  • Identify common Pythagorean triples.

  • Use the Pythagorean Theorem to find the area of isosceles triangles.

  • Use the Pythagorean Theorem to derive the distance formula on a coordinate grid.


  • Ifpossible,completethisafterwatchingthemovie.

  • Dividethestudentsintogroupsofthreeorfour.

  • YouwillneedKynexforthisactivity.

  • Studentsmaybeabletobringinsomefromhome.

  • IfKynexarenotavailable,justhavethisbeadesignproject.

  • Tellthestudentsthattheyaregoingtobedesigningatoythathasarighttriangleasitscorecomponent.

  • Studentscanuseothershapesaswell,butthetriangleiscentral.

  • Studentsaretodrawadesignoftheirtoy.

  • Then,studentsaretobuildamodelusingtheKynex.

  • Allowtimeforstudentstosharetheirworkwhenfinished.

III. Technology Integration

  • Use the following website so that students can watch a short movie on creating triangular toys.


  • This video shows how two designers working for Kynex design toys.

  • Tell the students to notice all of the uses of polygons and triangles in the designs.

  • When finished, discuss the video.

  • What did the students observe?

  • What did they notice about the shapes used in the toy designs?

  • How did patterns impact the work of the designers?

  • How does geometry impact their work?


  • Assess each toy design and construction.

  • You may want to create a rubric for grading the toys.

  • Observe students as they work.

  • Provide students with feedback when necessary.

Chapter 3. Geometry TE - Enrichment
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