Geometry, Teacher\'s Edition

(Axel Boer) #1

Converse of the Pythagorean Theorem


  • Understand the converse of the Pythagorean Theorem.

  • Identify acute triangles from side measures.

  • Identify obtuse triangles from side measures.

  • Classify triangles in a number of different ways.


  • Use the following image from Wikipedia to show students an image of St. Basil’s Cathedral.

  • This is Figure 08.02.01


  • You can either use this image as a discussion point or have students work with it in small groups.

  • In small groups, have the students identify the equilateral and acute triangles in the cathedral.

  • There are many of them to choose from.

  • Then ask the students to identify how they know that these are equilateral and acute.

  • The students should be able to discuss the different characteristics of what makes an acute triangle acute and
    what makes an equilateral triangle equilateral.

  • Have students discuss this in small groups.


  • Ask students to research triangles and bridge designs.

  • What is the most common type of triangle used in bridge designs?

  • Why is it the most common?

  • Have the students do some research on this and then report on their findings.

  • Students should keep track of any websites they visit to refer back to when reporting on their findings.


  • Observe students as they work.

  • Listen to the discussions and you will hear whether the students have an understanding of acute, obtuse and
    equilateral triangles.

  • Ask questions to expand student thinking.

Using Similar Right Triangles


  • Identify similar triangles inscribed in a larger triangle.

  • Evaluate the geometric mean of various objects.

  • Identify the length of an altitude using the geometric mean of a separated hypotenuse.

  • Identify the length of a leg using the geometric mean of a separated hypotenuse.


3.8. Right Triangle Trigonometry

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