EncountEring GOD - Deeper Revelation Books

(Steven Felgate) #1
The Highest Adventure

doctrinal issues. One by one, I brought up
traditional Christian concepts that were very
perplexing or unacceptable to me (like the Bible
being absolutely ‘God’s inspired Word’). With
each question or comment Kent would calmly
reassure me with the words, “Don’t worry about
that. Just try Jesus!” As I pinpointed certain Far
Eastern or New Age beliefs I felt I could never give
up (like reincarnation), Kent kept emphasizing:

“Don’t concern yourself with those things,
Being a former student of yoga himself, Kent
understood my apprehension. He could relate to
the protectiveness I felt toward my belief system. He
showed tremendous wisdom. He knew that if we
got involved in some deep discussion over doctrine,
I might turn my heart away from the experience of
Jesus altogether (the thing I needed most).

So Kent kept stressing the essential issue:
that if I would confess Jesus as Lord of my life
and invite Him into my heart, His indwelling
presence would establish me in a position of
sonship and oneness with the Father. (See
Ephesians 3:17, Galatians 4:6.)

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