EncountEring GOD - Deeper Revelation Books

(Steven Felgate) #1

The peace of God settled like fresh dew on
my soul. I was changed and I knew it. God had
generated a brand new spirit in me and I had truly
become ‘a new person.’ The Bible explains at the
moment of this transition we become “a new
creation” (2 Corinthians 5:17).

A Living Reality

Vietnamese Buddhist, Thich Nhat Hanh, offers,
“If we touch the Holy Spirit, we touch God, not as
a concept, but as a living reality.”8/*

This was definitely my mindset as a yoga
teacher, and I believe it even more intensely today.
However, I now understand that experiencing
something supernatural does not always consti-
tute an actual experience of God.

I sincerely thought (similar to Thich Nhat
Hanh) that I was experiencing the living reality
of the Holy Spirit during my yogic disciplines,
but after my spiritual rebirth, I realized that was
not the case. There is no comparison between
encountering a mere impersonal life force and
being embraced by the personal, loving presence
of the everlasting Father.

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