EncountEring GOD - Deeper Revelation Books

(Steven Felgate) #1
The Highest Adventure

For several days following, I announced to
my students that I’d finally encountered this
longed-for living reality. I honestly admitted that
I had been wrong in my previous assessment of
ultimate reality, that I never experienced the true
Spirit of God until I went through Jesus, and that
consequently, all of my yoga classes would be
canceled. I never could have asserted myself this
way if I not received a powerful, supernatural
revelation. Though such an abrupt change was
quite shocking to my students, many trusted my
insights and enthusiastically opened their hearts
to Jesus as well.

I closed the ashram and moved to a Christian
mission among the poor migrant workers in
Central Florida. In the next few months, many
hours were spent studying the Bible and praying.

It was a season of welcome and wonderful
transition, a very important time of learning to
discern the difference between incorrect and
correct doctrine. As Plato once said, “God is
truth, and light his shadow.”9/*

Because the God of heaven was finally
overshadowing me with His personal and

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