EncountEring GOD - Deeper Revelation Books

(Steven Felgate) #1

gracious influence, the light of truth began to
shine more and more with every passing day.

Flashes of Insight

After my transformation, I was able to look back
and see how certain ‘flashes of insight’ prepared
me for such a dramatic change. In fact, shortly
after receiving Larry’s letter, I was musing over
the differences between the Biblical point of view
and my New Age belief system when a simple, yet
profound thought surfaced in my heart. It was
actually a statement made by my former guru, yet
ironically, it caused me to totally reevaluate his
belief system. I heard the echo of Yogi Bhajan’s
voice insisting:

“Because Jesus was an AVATAR, He could
only speak the TRUTH.”
It was like someone flipped a spiritual breaker
and released a power surge into my spirit,
causing it to be flooded with light. I immediately
sensed the amazing implications of that one
sentence. The word avatar stems from Hinduism.
It basically means an incarnation of God, or a
god, into fleshly form. Certain Hindu sects and

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