EncountEring GOD - Deeper Revelation Books

(Steven Felgate) #1
The Highest Adventure

response, “There is only one God.” However, as
I studied the words of Jesus I realized that this
statement means something totally different from
a Christ-like or Christian perspective.

When a Hindu says, “There is only one God,”
he is referring to a cosmic impersonal force
called Brahman that supposedly underlies all
things. All gods and goddesses emerge from this
one universal energy source. So even though
many deities are worshipped, the foundational
essence is “ just one God.” This all-inclusive view
is foundational to New Age thought.

On the other hand, when Jesus or any of His
true followers say, “There is only one God,” that
statement means one God to the exclusion of
all others. It is a contention that the true God
has a makeup different than all other humanly
contrived deities. He is a personal God, not
an impersonal force. He is triune in nature:
comprised of the Father, the Son and the Holy
Spirit. Therefore, using the correct name for
God is essential, since the name applied to Him
identifies the interpretation of His nature and
determines whether or not He actually responds.

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