EncountEring GOD - Deeper Revelation Books

(Steven Felgate) #1
The Highest Adventure

Thankfully, I discovered the latter statement to
be the correct one.

The Importance of the Cross

My guru also taught that Jesus’ death on the
cross could not redeem anyone from sin; it merely
provided an example of obedience, showing each
of us how far we should be willing to go in order
to fulfill our purpose in this world.

Yet, as Jesus instituted the communion ritual
at the Last Supper, He passed a cup of wine
among His disciples. Then He gave an extremely
profound prophecy:

“This is My blood of the New Covenant,
which is shed for many for the remission of
sins.” (Matthew 26:28, emphasis by author)
It’s only logical to think that Jesus would be
the final authority on the reason behind His own
death. He never implied that it was just a model
of surrendering to one’s destiny. He plainly stated
it was for the purpose of “remitting” sin (which
means, not only to cleanse, but to release those
who have sinned from any resulting guilt or

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