EncountEring GOD - Deeper Revelation Books

(Steven Felgate) #1

We know Jesus definitely revealed to His
disciples, ahead of time, that He would die
on a cross (Matthew 16:24; 26:2). If He was
prophetically in tune with how He would die,
certainly He also got it right when He told them
why He would die.

If this is true (of course, I now contend that it
is) the crucifixion of Jesus was and is the most
pivotal spiritual event that has ever happened on
this planet.

If Jesus’ shed blood can actually wash away sin,
blotting it out of existence, the concept of karma
goes out the window and reincarnation is rendered
totally unnecessary. Besides, no other great religious
leader died on a cross for all of humanity.

If they had attempted to do so, it would not have
been efficacious, because they were all born of
the natural conception process and consequently,
tainted by the sin nature. On the contrary, only Jesus
was “without sin” (Hebrews 4:15). Being perfect, in
body, soul and spirit, was a necessary prerequisite
in order for complete and full atonement to take
place for a fallen human race.

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