EncountEring GOD - Deeper Revelation Books

(Steven Felgate) #1
The Highest Adventure

Karma or

Forgiveness from God?

Yogi Bhajan taught that there are no accidents.
Anything that comes to us – positive or negative –
we attract because of things we have done earlier
in life or in a previous one. He also explained
the key to liberation from the cycle of rebirths is
to rid oneself of all negative karma and to live a
flawless life (a self-achieved salvation).

Jesus taught an altogether different approach:
that through repentance and faith those who
come to God can actually be delivered of their
past sins. He even taught His disciples to pray:

“Our Father in heaven ... Forgive us what
we have done wrong, as we too have forgiven
those who have wronged us.”
(Matthew 6:9, 12 CJB)
This often-quoted line from this highly
revered prayer reinforces the revelation that
God is a personal God (just as Jesus taught), not
an impersonal force (as all my New Age teachers

A force doesn’t forgive; a person does. The Bible
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