EncountEring GOD - Deeper Revelation Books

(Steven Felgate) #1
The Highest Adventure

the karmic retribution to go unpaid, locking
them into the pattern of rebirth.

Furthermore, belief that each soul will pass
through thousands of incarnations decreases the
value of the individual. It also implies that the
end of a person is to actually ‘lose personhood’
altogether, blending in with some kind of
‘impersonal’ universal force, after the cycle of
rebirths is finished.

This was not the stance that Jesus revealed
in His teaching. He actually taught that His
followers will gather together one day, with
Abraham and other Old Testament persons, at
something called “the marriage supper of the
Lamb” and that His disciples, Peter, James and
John, will be appointed to positions of authority
in the kingdom to come. (See Matthew 8:11;

If He believed in reincarnation, He instead
would have promoted the idea that all these
persons would permanently lose their previous
earthly identity as they worked from life to life
to escape their karmic debt and evolve toward
absolute perfection.

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