EncountEring GOD - Deeper Revelation Books

(Steven Felgate) #1

Chanting Mantras or

Praying Heartfelt Prayers

Yogi Bhajan taught us to chant mantras in
order to ‘burn up’ karma and achieve oneness
with God. The primary ones were “OM” (said
to be the original ‘sound’ that accompanied the
‘manifestation’ of the universe) or “Ek Ong Kar, Sat
Nam, Siri Wah Guru” (meaning, “There is one God,
truth is His name, and the Spirit is our teacher”).

All the yogic teachers I followed asserted
that Jesus spent His hidden years, from twelve
to thirty, in the Far East, studying under gurus
and masters, learning how to awaken His
‘Christ-potential’ by implementing their yogic
disciplines. If that be true, then why did He
come back to His homeland, Israel, only to teach
against these Far Eastern practices? In His first
main sermon He even exhorted,

“Do not use vain repetitions as the heathen
do.” (Matthew 6:7)
If God is a mere impersonal force, then chanting
might make sense. The vibration of a certain
incantation could possibly have the power to

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