EncountEring GOD - Deeper Revelation Books

(Steven Felgate) #1
The Highest Adventure

direct and control some kind of cosmic energy.
But if God on an ultimate level is personal (and
I now understand that He is) such methodology
doesn’t make any sense at all.

God is interested in a loving relationship with
us, facilitated and developed by affectionate and
worshipful language on our part. He desires
an intelligent flow of prayerful, conversational
statements from us, not monotonous, droning,
repetitive utterances designed to empty the
mind and mechanically manipulate some
supernatural power to make us more receptive
to mystical experiences.

We would never speak to fellow human beings
in a mantra-like way – repeating the same phrase
thousands of times in order to successfully
express our will. Most people are intelligent
enough to understand simple sentences the
first time around. After that, it would be an
insult to their intelligence to repeat ourselves
over and over. Certainly the true God is far
more intelligent than any of us and even more
unresponsive to such an elementary method of

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